Chapter 3: Warped Begins

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Caraphernelia woke me up at 5:00. I shut it off and quickly jumped out of bed. I made my best and jumped in the shower. I washed my body thoroughly and when i decided i was clean enough i walked out. I got dressed in a pair of black leggings and a Pierce The Veil muscle tee. I straightened my hair and put winged eyeliner and mascara on. I looked at the clock and i was shocked that it was 6:15 already. The bus is coming  at 7. I walked out of my room and decided i should wake the guys up. I walked into Joeys room and jumped on his bed.

"WAKE UP WAKE UP THE BUS IS COMING IN 45 MINUTES GET UP GET UP GET UP!!!" I screamed as loud as i could, scaring the shit out of Joey.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!! I NEED MY SLEEP!! GET OUT!!!" He screamed. He is soo not a morning person. That was partially the reason why i woke him up like that. He pulled the blankets over his head. I went and opened the blinds and ripped the blankets off of him leaving him forced to move. I then took on of his legs and dragged him out of bed, knowing if i dont wake him up now, he'll make us all late. For a 5'4 girl thats 130 pounds, im pretty strong. Ive been going into moshpits ever since my first concert when i was 12 years old. Everyone knows not to fuck with me. Joey stood up towering over me considering he was 6'2 and said "if you ever wake me up like that on tour, we're going to need to find a new vocalist."

"Oohh youre so scary" i said sarcastically and he shot me a death stare. I laughed so hard i started crying. I looked at the clock again and it was 6:30. Shit. I walked out into the living room to the sight of ryan and david spooning. I couldnt resist this picture perfect moment so i took out my phone and took a picture postingit to twitter with the caption "my little lovebirds". I tickled both of their feet, knowing they were both extremely ticklish. They both shot up with out hesitation and started getting ready. The time was now 6:45. I decided to call my parents. We talked until i saw the bus outside. We exchanged goodbyes and i love yous and i went to go gather my bags. I walked into my room and dragged out 2 large suitcases and a backpack. I yelled for the guys and they all shot outside to claim their bunks. They all knew though, i was going to get the one i wanted. I stepped outside and took in the beautiful sight of the gigantic tour bus with Versing Society written across the sides on it.

I stepped in to a spacious kitchen and "dining room" which was really just a table and some couches. I walked further back to the bunks. There were 6 bunks. To the left was Joey on top, ryan in the middle and the bottom one empty. To the right was the top one empty, middle one was mine, and the bottom one was davids. Behind the bunks was the bathroom which had a sink, shower, and toilet. And finally, behind the toilet was a lounge. I coudnt believe this was actually happening. I only dreamt of this day for so long. I walked outside to got make sure everything was okay with the apartment and lock up. I stepped back on the bus and started decorating my bunk. I put a photo of me my mom and my dad from graduation and a picture of the band at our first show. I remember that day like it was yesterday.

I was dating my abusive ex, Jeremy. A day after that picture was taken i broke up with him and Joey beat the shit out of him. No one ever witnessed him hitting me until that day. Jeremy and i were sitting on the couch and i was trying to break up with him. He got angry and started punching me. Joey walked in as soon as it started and quickly put an end to if. I got away and called the police as joey had him pinned down. The police arrived and arrested him. Joey hugged me and let me cry into his chest. Joeys always been my hero. He saved me when i attempted to commit suicide at the age of 16 too. Im so glad i didnt kill myself then. I wouldnt be alive doing what i love to do with my best friends.

I hung up christmas lights around the roof of my bunk and decided i was content with the way it looked. I walked outside to see david flipping through the channels in the main lounge. I sat down next to him and we decided to watch teen titans. That was my favorite show when i was little and im proud to say it still is.


It was 4 and we have been driving for 10 hours. I decided to text my best friend Tabbitha. Ive known her since i was 3 and she was coming out to both shows in jersey. We facetimed for hours and i showed her around the bus. She has the biggest crush on David. The only reason they arent dating is because of that bitch nicole.  I hate his so much its not even funny. If i had the chance, i would beat the shit out of her.

Our first show was tomorrow. I was so excited. I set an alarm for 7 and plugged my earbuds in. I turned on mayday parade and let my thoughts consume me. I eventually fell asleep thinking about how great this summer would be.

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