@ MASH Warriors Part 2

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"Listen up," he begins, "this team is beatable, their record shows that. You can beat this team, they just got lucky on those touchdowns. If they can score 34 in a half, then we can score the same. I can't promise anything, but if your with me, we can show everyone who we are and beat these guys. "Let's go!" The team shouts as they get fired up.
{timeflash-start if the half}
The Warrior kicker sets up the ball. He backs up and waits for the whistle. "Beep!" When it blows, he runs forward and bombs it, and Adam Marino, has to jump to catch it from going out of bounds. He tucks and runs as fast as he can. The blockers were able to hold their blocks, as Adam news past them. He jukes like never before and gets to the outside. Then he runs down field. He runs alongside Lewis, who is barely keeping up. But, then a Warrior speeds past the line, running across field to tackle Adam. We the Warrior gets close, Lewis lowers his shoulder and lays him out. The Broncos bench is ecstatic and Adam takes it all the way for a touchdown! CJ takes the field and tries for two. He calls the play an they line up, "ready, set... Hike!" and CJ rolls out and readies the trap. The CB, falling for it, runs for CJ, leaving Lewis wide open. CJ simply lobs it, getting hit, and Lewis catches it, making it 34-8. The Broncos are full of intensity after the amazing speech, and the kick return.

Later, Chris sets up the ball. He looks to Jerry Smith, and nods. They knew what to do. The whistle blows and Chris jogs towards the ball, he takes a swing with his leg and misses, and then Jerry comes across and kicks it lightly. The Warriors are confused and Shane was able to get the ball 11 yards away and the Broncos get the ball back after a trick play onside kick. CJ jogs into the field...

He calls the play and they line up, "blue-" and the ball snaps on blue and CJ quickly throws to Harry Bauer, he catches it and is hit and loses a yard. Rick thinks for a moment, then he tells CJ the play. CJ runs out and tells the huddle, and they take their position. CJ lines up... in shotgun. He calls hike and he drops back. Pass. But then Adam slips right behind his back and gets the ball...The Statue Of Liberty. Adam runs to the left side and breaks free from a tackler and runs off with no one to catch him, touchdown! The two-point was a shotgun quick pass and that made the score 34-16.
(Timeflash-15 seconds left in game)
33-34, Warriors. Broncos ball on the Warriors 30. 15 seconds left. 4th down. CJ calls hike and pitches the ball to Adam. Adam sits there and waits. The whole Warriors defense rushes forward, forgetting about Lewis who is all alone downfield. Adam lets it fly, getting killed by a linebacker in the process. The ball flys in the air and right into Lewis's hands. He runs and scores with 7 seconds left, making it 39-34. The two-point makes it in, 41-34. The Broncos all cheer and scream as the Lewis and Adam do their awesome handshake. And Chris lines up the squib with 6 seconds left. He hears the whistle and squibs it down to the Mash HB. He runs strait out of bounds and leaves it with 4 seconds left and the ball on their 45. The offense calls their play and lines up. The QB call hike and all Wide Receivers rush down field. The Quarterback plants and throws. It's going deep... Intercepted. Kyle Edwards snags the ball with one hand and the game is over. The Broncos have comeback to defeat the Mash Warriors!

The team celebrates at the pizza place and they watch film later on the Purple Eagles they will be playing next Friday. The Purple Eagles are now 13-1, only losing to the Falcons. This game is going to be a lot harder...

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