Part 4, Let the battle begin...

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"Angel? Is there something wrong?", Jessie asked. " at all! Ahem.",I cleared my throat as my group turned around to face me, as I think of words.

"Okay, guys! Right now, we need to divide ourselves into 4 Groups with 4 members, just in case. Two groups will be the ones who fight, and one group for medication, the other is for supplies, the two groups that is not one of the fighters, will also be able to protect themselves, in other words : They can fight if necessary. Any questions?", I said folding my hands, then Ms. Maria had walk towards me, "I'll help divide, since I know you all well, but not that well.", She said as she smiled happily, then continued,

"Alright, Kent, Lizzie, Layla, and me are the first group, the second is Ms. Maria, Kyle, Tina and Peter. Those two groups are fighters.", I said as Ms. Maria continued, "The third group will be Miguel, Jessie, Carl and Serena, you four are good at healing, so you four handle it. The last group will be Kara, Robin, Xander, and Gina, Blake, you'll be with the fighters, you too Andy. Sam you'll be in the fourth group.", I tell them, even though we're not even, we were good.

"Alright, tomorrow we will get supplies, then the day after tomorrow, we will leave this supermarket and find a new safe place to stay in.", I look back and saw a lot of supplies, so we better had get all that we can get, since were a lot.

"Okay guys, take a rest, we will be blocking the door so no dead will get in, we'll wake you up, when there's either a problem or if its time to go.", I check the door and see no dead...yet.


As they rest not-so peacefully, we blocked the glass door with sturdy,solid and big objects as much as possible. Fortunately, there aren't that much of undead outside. I thought it was safe to sleep, for now. So I went and grab my own sleeping bag from the supplies and slept by the shelves, near my group.


I woke up due to a loud thud, it surprised me it made me wake up the person next to me. Wait...person next to me? But...I slept by the shelves, near my group.....I held my breath and glanced at the person next to me. "Angel.....? What's wrong?", I let go of the breath I was holding and sighes in relief. I shook my head, responding as I was about to speak, another loud thump was heard.

I push myself up, grabbing the nearest solid object, which is Kent's Knife. He was holding it so I took it from him. Looking around for the sound, I saw a zomb-...I mean zombies......I gasped in shock, the whole door was covered by those undead cannibals...

I woke up the others and told them to prepare for a fight, we had never encountered a group of zombies as many as this....
I'm so so so so so so SO sorry! I haven't updated! I was super busy with school. (;一_一) I didn't have time for WattPad. Anyways enjoy the new characters!

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