Chapter One: Desperate Lickass

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A/N: Hey guys!! this is my first story here so spread love. If you have something hateful to say then say it, honesty will go a mile up in this bitch!! I hope you guys love this story as much as I do. Anyways Ciao Bella's I'll catch you on the flip side xo



"Ugh they're at it again" Rue nudges my shoulder and points her chin towards the far corner of the lunchroom where Vincent Salem and his on/off again girlfriend Tabitha are at each others throats, yelling some shit about a party last night and Vincent cheating.

"Who was it this time?" I ask Rue while chewing on a piece of licorice, she looks at me and gives me a subtle smile - too subtle of a smile

"You didn't!!" her smile only grows wider as my face displays horror and shock, Rue laughs and then shrugs at me "every girl that sleeps with him says that he is a force to be reckoned with in bed, so I wanted to test out that theory" I only stare at her giving her a deadpanned look and then notice a figure moving in our direction "Oh shit, you really did it this time Rue"

Tabitha stops right in front of our table and crosses her arms "You fucking little bitch!! just like every other girl on this campus!! you see that he is taken yet you still willingly fuck him, who the fuck are you even? I'm surprised that he would stoop so low to your level, he must have been on a whole different kind of drug to get with you"

Tabitha gives Rue the look of pure hatred and disgust then looks over to me in disdain and smiles - the evil slutty kind of smile . The best kind "Oh and I'm guessing that you're the best friend? what did you fuck him as well? that's just great!! Vincent why bother wasting sperm on hoes like them"

I sit there surprisingly feeling amused by this situation and then look over at Rue who gives me the same kind of reaction, then she looks at Tabitha with the sweetest smile that I've ever seen on her satanic face " Are you done?"

With that I cannot contain the built up bubble of laughter inside of me and start to burst into a fit of giggles, Rue joins in with me.

"Oh-oh-oh ? Evie did you hear what she said? She called me a BITCH!! " Rue's laughter turns into a scale of what looks like fits and she follows in my actions of holding her stomach due to the stitches from the laughter. "Why would Vincent waste his sperm on hoes like us!!" this makes us laugh even harder, now I can feel tears stream down my face and I quickly wipe them before I try and contain my laughter so I can get my next sentence out.

I subside the fit of tears pooling around my face and stand up straight so I can look her in the eye, all the attention kinda throwing me off a bit but this girl is downright pissing me off. "Okay whoa I have no idea why you would think that I would get with someone like him, but do not accuse people of such stupid shit, yes Rue fucked him and yes I would be mad if I were you too, but honestly why don't you just ask him why the fuck he does this to you over and over again and you know what I would ask myself if I were you?"

she looks at me and rolls her eyes "what?"

she really isn't the smartest chip off the old block

"Why the fuck do I keep crawling back to him like a desperate lickass" with that I pick up my bag and drag Rue out of the lunchroom.

On my way out I look over at Vincent Salem to see him looking at me with an unreadable expression



I stare at the two girls as they roll over in stitches of laughter, the blonde chick that I fucked last night looks different today. Maybe it's because of that batch of 'wonder' tablets  that Dylan gave me last night that makes her look completely different to what I imagined at the party.

I look over at Tabitha and she looks shit pissed, I kinda smile at that. I like pissing her off it makes her look hotter. I lean my back against the wall and cross my arms already starting to get bored with this drama. As I'm about to leave I take one last look at the girls who haven't even tried to dim their laughter down, the brunette looks kinda familiar.

I've seen her somewhere, but where? First thought that comes to mind is that I've probably just seen her in the campus library when I go to shag Lillian the librarian, but some fucked up feeling makes me think that it's somewhere else.

The brunette is the first one to come to her senses and stop the laughter, she stands up so that she is at eye- level with Tabitha "Okay whoa I have no idea why you would think that I would get with someone like him, but do not accuse people of such stupid shit, yes Rue fucked him and yes I would be mad if I were you too, but honestly why don't you just ask Vincent why the fuck he does this to you over and over again and you know what I would ask myself if I were you?"

She has a dangerous look in her eye and I don't fucking like it one bit

"what?" Tabitha looks slightly uneasy but the brunette has that glint in her eye that screams she won't back down

"Why the fuck do I keep crawling back to him like a desperate lickass"

Fuck me if that didn't take me by surprise.



The whole day since the shit that went down in the cafeteria, I haven't stopped thinking about that chick, I'm fucking pissed because now Tabitha is on my back even more than usual and she keeps blaming me for embarrassing her over and over and that she will leave me and blah blah

It's always the same shit with her. But damn, I won't be getting any from her for the next couple of weeks and that's what makes me angry the most.

Seeing Tabitha so broken down and frustrated annoys me a bit, she's not as much of a bitch as everyone thinks she is and I have a little streak of protectiveness over her because of how much we've been through, but I don't think that I like her like she thinks she likes me.

She even told me she loves me, but fuck that I don't think I will ever be able to love someone.

I keep thinking of ways to tell her that I ain't interested in having her as my girlfriend but I want to keep her as my friend. I never get the chance to though because she's to busy prancing me off to everyone she knows, so what do I do?

I cheat and bang every girl/woman who looks decent enough. I hope one day she will end it with me.

A/N: Every chapter I will suggest a song xo This Chapter's song is: Say You Love Me - Jessie Ware

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