Chapter Six: Frickle Frackle

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A/N: We have our Evelyn played by the one and only Emilia Clarke minus her British accent. I adore Emilia Clarke though she is a bit old to play Evelyn I can't picture anyone more perfect. No Hate please I mean how can you hate her? She's beautiful. xo

I think I'm going delusional. Did he just offer to take care of Dan?

"No you ain't going delusional and yes I did"

Will you stop that!! Evie you're stupid

"You said that you won't joke around!! this is serious I need help"

He sighs and walks over to me "For Fu-

Vincent looks at Danny for a sec before looking back at me "For Frackle sake Evie can you just take me serious just this once, I know I'm a dick but come on even I won't joke about this"

He wipes his face obviously getting frustrated

I smile a bit "you're worse than just a dick"

Vincent's eyes snap to me and they're laced with humor, he raises one of his eyebrows "I'm taking that a yes?"

"Well it's not my decision to make"

We both look at Danny who has a small smile on his face as he looks at me "I kinda like him Eve"


"Shit, kid how the hell are you so good at this?"

Vincent and Dan are sitting on the ground jamming the game while I finish of this fucking essay on The Bronte sisters reign of books.

I hate essays man. I hate it as much as I hate my mum


Vincent quickly stands up and holds Danny's controller in the air making him jump to try and grab it

"Not until you tell me how the hell you're cheating on this game!! My ego is at a -1 right now because I'm getting scored by a what- 4 year old?"

Danny stops his efforts and punches Vincent in the stomach, but no effect is seen on Vincent's face "I'm 6 and I didn't cheat you're just like Evie. Both suck at losing"

I giggle and then stand up to grab the controller out of Vincent's hand

"Aye!! give it back"

Danny laughs and pokes his tongue out

"Nah Nah Nah shame. Here Eve pass it"

"Uh no both of you guys get off the game. You're annoying me I can't even concentrate on my assignment"

Vincent walks over to the bed and picks up my barely written essay "E-N-G-L-I-S-H L-I-T-E-R-A-T-U-R-E, wait you're in English Lit with me?"

I put the controller down and snatch my essay papers out of his hand "Yeah I am and you would've noticed if you weren't sucking your girlfriends face off every 5 minutes in class. I mean you might as well F-Frickle Frackle smack right in the middle"

He raises his eyebrow "You're weird. Anyway you just reminded me why I am here"

He sits down on the edge of my bed but I slightly shake my head and grab his arm ignoring the tingles shooting up it "not here. Danny thinks I'm cool at school so let's keep it that way just in case you say something rude again"

He laughs a bit and allows me to take his arm "You are pretty cool"

pretty cool. Yup Vincent thinks I'm pretty cool. huh that's pretty cool

"Dan I gotta talk to Vincent about grown up stuff okay? Play your game and get practice because I'm gonna kick your little butt when I get back"

I throw his controller back at him and Danny salutes me as I exit the room with Vincent

Pulling the door I let go of Vincent's arm "Okay what's up. What's so important?"

I lean my back against the bathroom door that I thought was closed but it turns out it wasn't

"Ahhhh" Next thing I know I am facing the ceiling of the bathroom and my head hurts like hell

"Shit! Are you o-okay?" I can hear Vincent trying to hold back a strained laugh as he asks me this and pulls me up

I brush my hair away from my face and cough a bit to cover my embarrassment "yeah that was nothing" fuck my head hurts. Vincent shakes his head obviously not believing a single word.

He grabs me and then pushes on my shoulders so that I can go down - uhhh what is he doing?

I smack his hands away "Whoa if that is what you were here for you can just fuck right off!! Just because you heard everything in that lecture class it doesn't mean that I'm that easy, Jeez you are such a creep you disgust me!!"

He stares at me in shock and then scowls "Do you really think that low of me? Huh who am I kidding? Of course you would!! I wasn't even trying to do anything!! I was just going to help you lean against the wall and sit down, this is why I hate doing kind shit. Fuck this. I'm out"

He turns to walk away but I quickly grab his arm "Hold up. let's just talk about everything okay? you already know too much about me I don't want this getting out. I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that. Please just stay. Please"

I can't piss him off he won't look after Danny otherwise. I also feel a bit bad.

He sighs and then slides down the wall putting his legs out and resting his head back closing his eyes, I slide down on the opposite wall and put my legs out so we are facing each other.

After a while he whispers "Look like I said I can't guarantee that I will be this soft tomorrow, I don't know how to do this kinda thing, I don't think I want to know. My life is perfect right now. I have everything. Anyways yeah I wanna talk now because for some reason I want you to know that I ain't such a monster and I'm sorry. Fuck I'm sorry for what I said earlier."

His eyes remain closed I partially think that it's because he can't say this to my face.

I'm so confused. Who is this guy? Where is the Vincent that everyone knows? I wonder if he's ever been this way with someone else?

I whack him on his leg and his eyes spring open looking at me "Hey I like this Vincent a lot. I don't think that I'll ever forget him, he's still a dick but he's definitely more kind. I never thought of you as a monster - An asshole, dickface, shithead, narcissistic bullshit talker, Cocky motherfucker yes but a monster? no. stop over exaggerating"

I roll my eyes as he just smiles at me genuinely "I like it when you're genuine." I whisper embarrassed

He laughs and then shakes his head "I like it when you like me"

He wags his eyebrows and I laugh pushing him "The cheese. Oh the cheese is too strong"

We settle down and then I know we have to talk about what happened earlier.

"Okay Salem ask me anything and I'll give you short and sweet answers and then I'll do the same for you. Does that sound okay?"

He nods his head. "I'm gonna be very blunt with these questions don't take it as me being rude okay?"

I nod my head "Kudo's"

Here Goes

A/N: Chapter Song: Wildfire - Seafrer

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