Always Watching (PrussiaxReader)

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Always watching,no eyes... XD lol no


3rd person P.O.V:

"L-Ludwig,I-I'm scared" mumbled the (H/C)-haired girl through the phone

"It's okay liebe,I'm coming"

~the past~

Your P.O.V:

Every day,I get that odd feeling,it creeps me out
I feel a pair of eyes,focused on me
Staring at me the whole time

I couldn't stand it,every time,day and night,every second,I was feeling that creepy feeling,it just
Wouldn't fade away,and I couldn't handle it anymore.

So I decided to tell my boyfriend,Ludwig,

Ludwig is everything for me,he's literally my world,
I love him so much

I dialed his number and after a couple of seconds,I heard his voice through the phone

-"Hallo (Y/N)"

-"H-hi Luddy,I-I feel so creeped out,help m-me"


-"I-I think s-someone is s-stalking me"

-"don't vorry liebe,I'll never let zhem hurt jou okay?I'm on my vay"

-"t-thanks luddy"

After about 10 minutes,I heard someone knocking on my door,I thought it was Ludwig,so I rushed to open it,

Apparently,it wasn't,

There was a letter,there were some blood on it,I got scared even more,where's Ludwig when you need him?!

Why do you like Ludwig?I'm way better
Why are you always like that
I love you more,why do you love him
That's not fair
I can't accept it!
I will always watch you,
and you'll be mine okay?
I don't actually care for your answer,I always
Get what I want,I'm just awesome like that

I'm always watching...

I read the letter in pure horror,it smelled like blood,I was terrified,the feeling of being watched felt even stronger,and with every moment that passed,it felt even more horrible and more unbearable.

I was at my limits.

I called Ludwing,again.

He didn't answer...and I was starting to panic.

He finally answered the phone,and I sighed in relief.

-"L-Ludwig I'm scared"

-"It's okay liebe,I'm coming"

And with that,I was waiting....

~the present~         —           3rd person P.O.V.:

Ludwig finally arrived at (Y/N)'s house,he entered with the equipment of someone who is preparing themselves for WWIII.

"Do jou have any idea about vhere are zhey?" Ludwig asked (Y/N)

"Not even the slightest..." (Y/N) shook her head.

"I'll have to figure zhat out zhen" Said Ludwig as he held a gun and started wandering around the house,scanning every single point you could ever think of.

(Man he would be awesome as a seeker at hide and seek XD)

"(Y/N),come and look" whispered Ludwig as he looked out of the window,signaling to (Y/N) to come closer,

As the (H/C)-ette (or blonde) did what her boyfriend ordered,she saw a figure,
In the dark,
His eyes were blood red and glowing in the dark of the night and shadows

He looked horrifying

"Don't vorry liebe,I'll kill him for jou" whispered Ludwig as he hugged (Y/N) tightly

"Y-yeah" mumbled the said girl

Ludwig got downstairs and sneaked outside,if he could capture the stalker,there's no need to kill them,

Ludwig was sneaking closer to the stalker who was tall,so Ludwig guessed that it'd be a man,
But couldn't guess who

Suddenly,the stalker jumped from his location and started attacking Ludwig,but it's not oh-so-easy,

Ludwig dodged easily and gave him a punch in the face,which sent the man backwards

Shoot  shoot  shoot

Ludwig shooted at the man without any further thinking,which made (Y/N) come running to check if Ludwig is fine.

(Y/N) pointed the flashlight she held at the man who wasn't dead yet....

it was...

Her boyfriend's big brother.

"B-bruder!!" said Ludwig,his eyes were wide as they can be and tears started forming as he hugged his brother.

"W-what h-h-happened?" Asked the confused (Y/N),tearing up as well.

"Don't jou get it,(Y/N)?ever since I met jou,I felt like I needed jou,it wasn't something zhat could be helped,it was stronger zhan me,und jou liked Ludwig,
vhy did jou have to do zhat to me?
I loved jou with all of my heart!
Zhat's vhy,I was stalking jou,I know every little detail about jou,

I don't vant to go to heaven or hell,I'll just stay here,bt jour side,and vill always watch jou"

And with that,he died,the poor (Y/N) was scared,sad,and felt a mix of emotions thay she couldn't tell.

And ever since that day,(Y/N) still gets that feeling of being watched,sometimes,she feels someone stroking her hair before she goes to sleep,
“good night liebe,I'm always watching jou”


Next up ========> Yandere!Italy,


Woooo,yeah!fun overload

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