one hundred times (AustraliaxreaderxCanada)

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Have a yandere harem my readers XD.


1st person;;reader-chan's p.o.v.;;
"Hey (y/n)!I gotta tell you something!" Jett (Australia) said and took my hand,dragging me to a more private place,

I wondered what he was up to,is it a love confession?I've had a crush on him since,forever!!

I and all the other countries were at his place,having a pool party,I am not a country,but he was nice enough not to forget listing my name and inviting me,which was really sweet of him.

Snapped out of my thoughts by his hand being waved repeatedly in front of my face,I blush embarrassedly and look at him,
"Wow (y/n) you zone out a lot!" He laughed,I just loved that laugh,it was perfect.

"So do you know why we are having this party?" He asked and smiled,
"Why?" I asked.

" is the day I decided to tell you how much I love you (y/n)!nothing,and I mean NOTHING can stop me from loving you,I love you with all my heart,not a single word in any dictionary can describe my undying love!" He said and leaned in,about to kiss me,our lips inches away,this is the best day in my li--

"Ummm...excuse me..can I talk to (y/n).." Matthew appeared suddenly,ugh ugh ugh ugh,the damn cockblocker!!

"Yeah sure" I said and walked over towards Matthew,
"No!you cannot!she is mine,now go away!" Jett glared at Matthew.

"Jett!!" My eyes widened,Jett never acts like this,and Matthew!the little cinnamon roll?!

"What?he is giving me bad vibes!" Jett said,still glaring at Matthew.

"She..will come with me whether you like it or not." Matthew said,his usual shy and cute tone was replaced with a new one I've never heard one that's similar to,it was dark,and creepy,it scared me,it truly did.

"M-Matthew?!" I was surprised when Matthew pulled me towards him,"I love you (y/n).." He said quietly,making my eyes widen in shock,I don't like Matthew that way,no I don't.

"You like this guy right?Jett?I'd rather call him Jerk you are too good for him (y/n),you belong to me,
And me only "

I shuddered in fear,Jett was staring at us,emotionless, he was never emotionless,it made me even more scared,what the hell is going on?!

"..she is mine..fuck off Matthew..more like mother fucker" Jett suddenly got a shot gun,when where why and how I do not have the slightest idea, Satan handed him that damn thing maybe,I don't even care right now about how the fuck he got a shot gun,because he seemed ready to use it.

"J-Jett what are you doing?!" I was horrified, they were acting crazy!please tell me it is a nightmare.

"You count sheep until you sleep but I count bullets until you sleep for ever" Jett laughed maniacally,shooting Matthew several times,or more than several...

"One two three four..twenty twenty one twenty two twenty three...fifty fifty two fifty three fifty four fifty fucking hundred!" He counted as he shot Matthew one hundred times exactly,how was this thing even loaded with one hundred bullets!!

I fell to my knees,my legs betraying me,while Jett?he was walking towards me slowly,I crawled away of him,soon,reaching a dead end when my back hit the wall behind me.

"I love you (y/n) don't run away.." Jett said and smiled at me,like nothing happened!

I was wondering why no one ever heard the sound of the bullets!!all the countries were here!where the hell are they when you need them?!

"I killed all the other countries for you.." Jett grinned,
"they died..I killed them..I hired my 2p to do it" He smiled darkly.

"I-I-" I was cut off when Jett lifted me up over his shoulder,
"Now now little (y/n),let's stay together.for ever!"
Jett laughed heading towards the pool that was once filled with water,now it was filled with all the countries' blood,

"Let's say our farewells,and meet again some time later" he smiled once more,throwing me in the pool,I tried to swim but I couldn't,he threw himself in the pool too,just quietly drowning,the last thing I heard was.
"I love you"

My rating for this chapter;
Creativity Percentage: less than -15683836%

grammar: wot ish dat?

Spelling: i can spal vary wal wot du u mene

OK I really hate how I did on this and Canada's parts we soooo short I am sorry ;-------;

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