Ma Cherie,Ma Cherie~(France)

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Warning:might be gory,I don't know
3rd person POV:--

Matthew sat down with his beloved girlfriend,(y/n),as they waited patiently for Francis to come back from the kitchen,

He invited them over to have dinner at his place,it was actually very kind oh him,no?


Francis grabbed a kitchen knife,it wasn't much of an effort,but anything that will help him get rid of the "competition" is fine for him so far,

" Hey Mattie,can you come help me here for a second please~?" Francis asked,giving off an innocent aura that was very fake.

"s-sure!" poor Matthew didn't think about anything bad,the little cinnamon roll was stepping and inching closer towards his brutal fate without any knowledge of the future,yet Francis knew...

"so,what is it that you need help with?" Matthew asked as he looked around,Francis hid the knife behind his back.

"oh,never mind~" Francis smiled darkly as he grabbed the wide-eyed blond,he was too shocked to do anything,Matthew felt the fear crawl into his heart,

He tried saying a thing,anything,just to get out of this problem,like a butterfly that has just hit the net of a spider and started struggling to run away,

But,you know,that never works

Francis tightened his grip on Matthew as he stabbed Matthew in the heart,since (y/n) was there,he didn't want to make her worry about Matthew,some scum of Earth,right?

Francis then started cutting Matthew's body,slicing him into small pieces and throwing them out of the window since he didn't really care that much,

He kept Matthew's head with him and hid it in the fridge (Iceland,yes I remember Iceland every time I say fridge XD)

"Hey guys,the show started,hurry up" the little poor unaware (y/n) called out for the two boys in the kitchen,well actually one boy and a body,not even a body,a head only...

"Ma cherie,ma cherie~we were having so much fun~" Francis sang in his creepy tone as he got out of the kitchen and walked up to (y/n),his clothes had visible blood stains and he knew it,

"What kind of fun?--" (y/n) asked as she turned to face Francis,then saw his bloody figure with his dark smile,her eyes went as wide as they could be as she let a horrified scream escape her lips,soon enough she couldn't say anything out of the dryness of her throat,fear took over her and she couldn't do anything as Francis began coming closer towards her,

She tried stepping away,running,anything!but her legs were too weak to carry her,so she stayed in her place,shaking uncontrollably in her point.

"Don't be scared ma cherie~he still loves you,but I love you more~" Francis sang as he took (y/n)'s hand and lead her to the kitchen,

Then oppened the fridge for her to see...


Lmao so crappy that I my self can't read it lol not to mention the shitty ending omfg I fucked up with this one.

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