So gamerfreakgaming and Setothefangirl challenged me to say ten facts about me so...
1. I'm failing English class yet I'm the fastest reader in there and I'm the best writer not to mention that I have better spelling then the teacher. (No exaggeration there)
2. I'm 12 years old...
3. My birthday's May 3rd, 2003
4. My first (really bad) drawing that I drew that I put a date on was made 10/23/14
5. I ,surprisingly enough, love it when people feature my art or DRAH MA OC.
6. Zavi was my first official OC but... Technically Alter is because he was made based on Chance-Seto (I did a redraw of the picture he's in.) and I made him a small amount of time after making the Chance-Seto but... I scrapped the design, and yes, he did have three names at one point in development. I stuck with Chance though. And then I had to change it...
7. I have a short list on what my opinion on what makes someone an asshole in my head. (I'll read that out if you want me too)
8. I also have a smol rant on what I think means someone stole an OC.(I'll also read that out)
9. I'm a rude person by nature so... Don't be surprised if I offend anyone on accident.
10. I'm out of ideas so... If you have any questions on how I make my OCs (only that or the list thing though) leave a comment.

Another one of those art book things
RandomEdit: This is my old art. Go to my other art books. Like, now. This is my second art book if you didn't k of that so... Yeah. I do art trades. I don't do requests. Feel free to draw my persona or OCs. Just credit me. Oh and you can use my art as lon...