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Hello everyone! I was so excited to write this chapter! I have finally found my motivation and spark to continue this story. This is starting to take a more dramatic turn so I hope you guys enjoy the chapter! No spoilers! I really am sorry for stopping for so long but I really have discovered where I want to take this story and the direction I want to take! So guys, I am sorry for wasting your time but thank you for who ever actually reads these. it means a lot and I hope you like the story and enjoy reading, hopefully I will be able to update more after my yearlies and I finally get into my 6 weeks of school holidays for Christmas! I hope you all have a good day and enjoy ;)

~Chey (Shadow Shock)

"So what are we going to be doing exactly?" I raised my eye brow as Phil made a small humming noise in agreement from beside me, obviously wanting to know the same answer as I do.

We had all made our way out of the coffee shop, both me and Phil holding the remains of our drinks as we followed both Pj and Chris who were leading us out. They had both finished and decided that we were being too slow, and decided to drag us out of the shop while our drinks were still practically half full. The steam was still slowly rising and vanishing into the air from our takeaway cups, leading me to wonder how they had even skulled the hot liquid so fast and not be whining about their burning mouth or throat.

It wasn't our faults that they liked to skull their drinks while Phil and I liked to at least share somewhat of a deep conversation while we were drinking. Phil and I could practically just sit there for hours talking, but we always seemed to bore both Pj and Chris out of their mind by doing so.

As we all walked down the street together, I couldn't help but steal a glance to my left to see Phil who seemed to be looking around, it was as if he had never been in town before and that this was a whole new experience for him. The way that Phil's eyes would light up with excitement as he looked around, it made my heart thump a little harder from the cute expression on his face.

Phil caught my glance from the corner of his eye and shot me a goofy grin, winking teasingly as he then looked forward and took another small sip from his hot beverage. Thank god he had looked away, or he would have noticed the red tinging on my cheeks as I forced myself to look away from him and focus my eyes forward so I didn't end up running into something or just tripping over my own two feet.

"Well, Chris wants to look for a certain board game that he wants to play in the next video we are creating together. Do you guys wanna help us find it and then you guys can play the game with us too?" Pj explained as he walked side by side with Chris, leaving both Phil and I to walk a couple steps behind them sipping our drinks.

"Sure, that sounds pretty good! What type of board game is it?" Phil answered excitedly, anyone could notice the slight bounce in his step. It was scary how easily one could excite Phil, I didn't think he would be so interested I a board game, then again I guess it had been quite a while since we had even bothered to get one of them about and play......

'No one wants to ever play games with you because you aren't exactly the best at them. They would win too easily, you're not that good of an opponent.... Another reason why Phil wouldn't even look twice at you'

Well, that didn't take long for my thoughts to come back and try to make me feel miserable.

"Its plants vs zombies the board game. I found it when I was searching through what some of my prescribers were suggesting for me to do on my channel. I was looking up where you can get it and it turns out they sell it at that games shop that you got a couple of your games from. Hopefully, they still have it in stock when we get there" Chris looked over his shoulder to look at both Phil and I, shooting us both a friendly grin as he then quickly looked forward again.

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