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I am so sorry that I haven't updated in so long! I have been focusing on school, and I went on a holiday with my family and then I have been dealing with some personal problems and it hasn't been giving me much time to get back to my writing. I have been missing it so much :( Im going to try and update all of my stories more, but I also have another thre accounts I publish stories on, on a different website and another on here . So im trying to even it out and do a story from each and then go back over and do the most I can. So please bare with me!

Also this is more of a filler chapter, there will be more in the next chapter and there will be a bit of surprise ;0 in the next chapter, and you will soon find out what Phil and Chris are talking about in the next couple of chapters!

Thank you again if your still reading this story after my long absence, and I will try to pick up my updating as soon as possible. Thank you!


Dans P.O.V

As we all entered the small and slightly crammed coffee shop, I couldn't help but feel like someone was watching me again. You know the feeling when you feel their line of sight burning into you? Yes, that uncomfortable feeling which sent an unpleasable shiver down your spine. Fighting off the itching urge to let my eyes wonder around and find the culprit of the intense stare, I kept my eyes firmly locked on the back of the boy's heads.

I wonder if I could get lost in a coffee shop.....Well with my poor sense of direction and ease of getting lost the possibility seemed to be likely.

The sweet smell of coffee and baked goods hit me like I had just ran blindly into a brick wall. It was always a welcoming cent of course, it made me salivate slightly as I could only imagine stuffing my face with something delicious. As said that was what me and Phil did every time we came in here, it was like our own little ritual. It was something that was just for us to do.

It left me wondering how the hell we seemed to keep all of it off and still look 'skinny' as a person would call it. I call mine 'chubby', but Phil definitely fell into the category of 'skinny'.

"Why don't I order while you guys go and find a booth? It will probably be a lot easier then all of us trying to go up at the same time and ordering or taking turns and having to line up over and over again" Pj suggested as he pushed himself to the front of our mall group, his left hand rummaging around in his jean pocket for what I assumed to be his wallet.

"Sure! You know what type we like, so come on you two! We need to pick a good seat!" Phil said with a wide and enthusastic smile as he took both mine and Chris's wrist and started to tug us towards the back of the small shop.

There was only a couple of booths that were lining the room, and most of them were filled with other people, chatting or even a couple of booths just had one lonesome person reading or on their phone. It wasn't exactly busy this morning, sure there was a small line at the bench, but most of the people there were wearing well-kept suits insinuating they had high paying jobs they would be speeding off to as soon as they got their morning coffee.

What would it be like if I had a proper job? Well sure I had an amazing job, I got to make videos about my life and run a radio show and I was practically famous worldwide (or where ever you can get the internet), but what wold I have turned out like if I continued to stay at Uni and I had gotten my degree and gone into the law enforcement business?

Sure, I would have still had the strong influence of Phil on me to become a youtuber, hell I was a very, very obsessed fangirl when it came to Phil. It was a dream come true that we even met one another, and that we become best friends and moved into an apartment one another and we still live together. Who the hell would think that would happen?

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