An Icy Touch

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Christina sat upon the blue embroidered blanket tracing the patterns with her pale finger softly. Her bluish black hair slipped in her face and with a scowl she brushed it back in place behind her ear. She inspected her room quietly. Her pale blue walls now dull with age, the grand bed with small swirls and flowers carved into the headboard now chopped and worn down, and the mirror whose reflection itself seemed very dull and dreary. Or perhaps that was just her. Christina stood and sat down in front of mirror quietly. Her bright blue eyes seemed to glimmer as she gazed at herself closely. Her pale skin almost luminescent in the dimmed lighting. Taking a dark blue hair brush, she began stroking her waist length hair.

Suddenly the door swing open. Christina, being caught by surprise, dropped the brush and it hit the ground sharply. Queen Frisson shot an icy glare at Christian sending a chill up her back. Frisson's pale blonde hair was pulled in a tight bun and her dark eyes seemed to burn a hole is the back of Christina's head. Her sharp cheekbones framed her pale skin perfectly but that lovely face was always in a scowl.

"You were late for studies Christina..." Queen Frisson said with a scowl. Christina stood.

"Mother!" A glint of fear flash in Christina's eyes. "I-I,'s just that-"

"Spit it out girl!" Frisson demanded angrily.

"I saw something in the forest-" Christina began.

"Such a foolish girl! You'll never be a great queen if you're so distracted!" Frisson grabbed Christina's wrist and a blue glow made a sizzling noise as she dragged Christina. Christina winced as the intense coldness of her mother's magic burnt her skin. As they walked through the cold halls of the castle, Christina felt her fear grow and grow as they approached her father's Throne Room. With a flick of Frisson's hand, the doors swung open loudly.

With a strong shove, Frisson pushed Christina too the ground. Christina gripped her now blue and purple wrist before meeting her father's gaze. He sat quietly and strongly. His power filled the room pulsing from him. His dark black hair was slicked back with a silver crown and blue jewels. He stroked his beard for a second before waving his wife off.

"Leave us." He said calmly. Christina's eyes widened in fear as Frisson smiled and walked out closing the door behind her. Flashes of blue light and screams followed shortly after.

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