Chapter 3: Pencil Guy

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I head to the tree and sit down under it and take out my phone plugging my earphones in and start listening to music. I never continue what I was writing because I realize people can take the book and just read everything. I start erasing what I wrote before, god knows what pencil guy read.

An hour passes and I need to get to class. The day goes by and it's time to go home but before I do that I go to the bathroom to check on the foundation and surely enough it's worn off a bit so I reapply it and walk out good as new and start skating back then someone beeps behind me in their car and I turn around. Pencil guy.

"Hey" I say.

"Hello cry girl. Do you want a ride?"

I squint at the sun "No I'd like to show off my skating skills to the people" I say sarcastically.

"Do you mean impress me?"

"In your dreams pencil guy." I say and giggle. Great going Mavis.

"I think I'll see you there"

"Where?" I ask

"In my dreams" he says and winks. I just stand there shocked because what just happened.

"Do you want the ride or not?" he interrupts my state of shock.

"Yeah sure" I say and go in. He has a nice car actually. Once we get to my house I'm creeped out because how the hell does he know where I live.

"How do you know where I live?"

"Why don't you ask that notebook of yours?" Oh. Yeah I think it was a bad idea to write my address in there. What? if someone found it they could return it, then again I could get killed because someone knows my address.

"Bad idea huh?" I say.

"Bad idea" he says.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow cry girl"

"K pencil guy. Thanks for the ride" I smile and get out of the car and head into the house.

"MAVIS!" jay shouts. Great, interrogation time. YAY. Note the sarcasm.


"Come here" he says so I walk over to him.

Thank god I put foundation on my rib. Then again he's gonna notice so why do I even try.

"Show me your rib" I do that because I don't really care anymore he can go tell the police for all I care. I'm just tired of hiding this.

"Why the fucking hell is it bigger?"

"I don't know. Oh and Jason look at this" I grab a tissue and wipe away the foundation around my eye.

"WHAT THE FUCK" he screams.

"Yeah" I say.

"Who the hell did this to you?" he asks demandingly.

"No one that you should know about. It's been happening for 2 years why are you noticing now? Why do you care and why the hell do you wanna know who did this? I deserve it anyway don't I. JUST BECAUSE I DID ONE STUPID FUCKNG MISTAKE!" oh shit shit why did I say that.

"what do you mean mav?"

"Just leave me the fuck alone Jason ok. You don't need this and neither do I"

"Mavis you can't just expect me to let you go like that and I care because I'm your damn brother for god's sake"

"I can do whatever the hell I want ok" I push past him and just leave the house with my skateboard and bag and shut the door with all my power and skate to god knows where.

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