Tangled in the Great Escape

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I groaned and rolled over to shut off my alarm. 6am. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and heard the kettle boiling in the kitchen. I knew it was going to be hard for Rhoda not having me around for a couple of months. Fair enough in between me and her working we dont get to see that much of each other most of the time but that doesnt change the fact that we are still best friends. I smiled to myself and stretched as thoughts of Tony crossed my mind. I hummed away to 'Hold on till May' whilst pulling my suitcase from under my bed and filling it with all the things I would need- practically my whole closet. I sauntered over to our bathroom and rapidly changing my tune to 'Tangled in the Great Escape'. Grabbing my toiletries and anything else I needed I headed back down to my bedroom and shoved it in my case. 6:35am. Just enough time for a super quick shower. I shot down the hallway and literally washed my hair and body as fast as physically possible. It took me 5 minutes to shower, surely thats a record time?! Pulling on my jogging bottoms a tank top and PTV baggy jumper I headed out of the bathroom. I decided that 20 minutes was long enough for my hair to dry natrually. I quickly added a thin line of eyeliner and mascara and then shoved it in my bag with the final remaining items. I scanned the room looking for anything else I would need then grabbed my case of the bed and shuffled down the hallway to the living room.

Rhoda was sitting at the breakfast bar looking sorry for herself. I knew going away for ages would be hard on her not to mention she probably wants to come to Warped Tour herself. I sat beside her and gave her a massive hug. "Im gunna miss you so much but youre going to Skype us every night right! And come to Warped when were back in the UK" I said looking at her sadly. I was going to miss my bestfriend so much these next couple of months. "Yeah I know its just not going to be the same around here with out you" she said glumly. I pulled back and gave her a half smile. Just then I heard a car horn beep from outside. I guess it was time to go then. I grabbed my suitcase from the living room and lugged it towards the door. I pulled the door open to see a grinning Tony staring at me, I couldn't help but grin back. He picked up my suitcase and took it toward the converted van despite my protests that I could carry it. I turned round to Rhoda and gave her one final hug before Vic came over to say his goodbyes before he went on tour. I think they are really cute together but theyre not like me and Tony. Even though its only been a couple of days I can already start to feel myself falling further into his beautiful embrace. I had quickly pulled on my black vans before we left after debating whether or not to wear slippers, I guess its a good job now that weve hired a mini van. I hopped in and headed towards the back two seats, saving them for me and Tony. Jaime was sat in front reading some book and listening to his music and then Vic and Mike were in front next to the driver. The van was quite big but I guess that was because they had to store all of the equipment ready for the plane journey.

I saw Tony jump on the van and pull the door closed behind him. He made a bee line towards me with a Starbucks cup out stretched in his tattooed arms. I took it and then smelt the fresh aroma of coffee waft upwards. "Well seen as I couldn't make you coffee I figured that you would need a boost" he chuckled at me as I gulped a quarter of it down. "You are the sweetest, thankyou" I said kissing his cheek. "Youre welcome baby" he replied kissing the tip of my nose. I blushed and giggled. "LOVE IS IN THE AIRRRRRRRRRRRRR DOO DOO DOOOOO" I shot my head up and saw Vic, Mike and Jaime all peering over the chairs and singing at us. I picked up the pillow I had bought with me and hit Jaime in the face with it, seen as he was closest. "Shut it you bunch of losers" I said winking and snuggling into Tony. They all just laughed and continued on with whatever they were doing. I shook my head at them and chuckled to myself. Boys. Honestly. Apparently we were fling from Gatwick according to Tony. I was curious who had paid for my ticket but Tony assured me that the event organisers sorted all of that out along with getting all the equipment there. We were heading to San Diego first, their hometown, to see their family before they left for tour, also the first show was only in the next state over. Tony was estatic about me meeting his mother but to be honest I couldn't be any more worried. As if almost reading my thoughts he asked me what was on my mind. "Oh nothing, just think about the next couple of days" I said giving him my best reassuring smile. "So basically youre worried about meeting my mum" he said laughing. Was he a mind reader of something? I gawped at him and then laughed nervously. "Yeah I guess so, and meeting all of the other guys families, what if none of them like me?" I think the other guys heard me because Mike and Vic both piped up at the same time. "They'll all love you!" they said in unison. I gave them a grin and laughed at how in sync them two are. I really did hope their parents and other family and friends like me. 

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