Just Hold On

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We headed back over to the main stage to watch Sleeping with Sirens and All Time Low. Me and Rhoda had literally cried with relief when we had found out that they were playing at separate times, I genuinely think having to decide who to see would have killed us.

We had a great time jumping around in time to 'If You Cant Hang' and singing along to 'Dear Maria, Count Me In' although the whole time I was still thinking about what had happened with Tony. I bit my lip as I remembered how he smelt and the way he had looked at me. Rhoda must have noticed my distant look as she dug her elbow into my ribs.

"OUCH! What the hell was that for?!" I cried grabbing my ribs with a dark scowl on my face. "I was just bringing you back to the here and now, thinking about Tony can wait till later, at this moment in time The Summer Set are coming on and I need my bestfriend to rave with" she said laughing. I blushed a light shade of pink and looked down at my feet. She could read me like a book. I laughed nervously and idly pulled at my fringe hiding my embarrassed face. I chanced a look up to still see her beaming at me. I poked her in the arm and she turned back to the stage where The Summer Set were setting off. I was thankful for the distraction otherwise I would never hear the end of it.

By the time I knew it We are the Ocean, Deaf Havana, Chunk! No Captain, Chunk! and Tonight Alive had all played. I had been jumping about and head banging so much I was sweating like mad and felt really light headed. I turned to Rhoda to see her grinning at me. All of a sudden she started to go blurry and I felt my world crashing around me. Darkness covered my eyes and before the blackness swallowed me in I heard Rhoda screaming my name.


I woke up to the sound of beeping heart monitors and flickering lights. I groaned and went to sit up but saw the room spin around me. I lay back down and looked at my hand to see a drip attached to a long sterile tube. I looked over to see Rhoda asleep in the chair beside me, worry outlined her face even as she slept. I stared up at the ceiling contemplating whether or not to wake her up. Just as I had decided that I was going to let her sleep for a bit I heard loud male voices coming from down the corridor.

"Dude I swear to god if you don't let us in in the next few seconds I am seriously going to lose it" I heard the male voice grow louder with each word. I sat up and strained my neck to try and see who it was from out of the room window. Just as I was about to give up I saw Tony, Vic, Jaime and Mike storming through towards my room. My heart skipped a beat seeing them. Wait. What were they doing at the hospital and why were they heading toward my room?

Tony burst through the door with much more force than needed, his muscles tensing. You could easily tell from the look in his eye and his body language that he had been the one arguing down the hall. His eyes met mine and he instantly relaxed. He strode over to me and reached the side of my bed in to two swift movements, awakening Rhoda from her nap. He grabbed me into a hug which shocked me at first and I sat there rigid, after a few seconds I hugged him back.

He slowly pulled back looking at me and checking me over. "Oh my god Beth are you ok? When Rhoda came running backstage shouting for help I wondered what the hell was going on and then I saw you in the security guards arms unconscious and I freaked out!" He said all in one breath. I giggled and then winced because it made my head hurt. "Yeah Im okay, my head hurts a bit and I don't remember a thing about what happened but that's about it" I said giving him a reassuring smile. Wait why was Tony Perry in my hospital room, I looked round him to see Vic, Jaime and Mike all looking at me worriedly. Before I had too much time to think about it I saw Tony half move, half stumble about 3 steps to the side and Rhoda pouncing on me.

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