Darling you'll be Okay

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Beths P.O.V

"Jack-k p-please s-s-stop" I stuttered out, oh god, I was going numb all over, numb to the pain and torture that was being thrust upon me. I saw him moving my basketball shorts lower as I sobbed harder. He moved upon me and I lay there lifeless, just as I sucked in enough air to scream I saw a dainty object in his hand glimmer in the dimly lit alley way. He stabbed it into my and I screamed out in pain. "Scream or try and get away and I will cut deeper" he barked in my ear, gliding the dagger across my thighs and lower stomach. I started choking on my sobs and just as I was about to give up the weight was lifted off me, I looked up to see Jack's head being whipped round to the side and then someones fist hitting him square in the face, then everything went black.

I woke up to the sterile smell of alcohol hand gel and cleaning equipment. The sunlight streaming in through the blinds had me squinting and sitting up. I looked around realising I was in hospital, I turned over to see Tony slowly waking up. The memories of last night came flooding back, making it feel like I was literally holding all my problems. I hugged my knees to my chest and then stopped as my side screamed out in pain. Ah crap.

"Oh my god, Beth youre okay, thank god, hold on" Tony spluttered out planting a kiss on my forehead then running out of the room, only to return a few seconds later with a nurse. She shone a torch in my eyes and did a routine check. "Youre free to leave now Miss Corrigan, we ran some tests to make sure nothing had, erm, been passed on shall we say" she said in a rushed tone. "We do offer counselling sessions though as I understand what you have been through is quite traumatic" she said more softly. I pasted a smile onto my face and told her that I would pass on the counselling, promising her and Tony that if I had any problems then I would tell Tony or any of the others. She smiled one last time before exiting the room.

"Ive been in this god damn place too many times" I muttered to myself as I pulled myself out of bed and grabbed some basketball shorts and a SWS shirt that Tony had packed for me. He was staring at me intently, watching my every move, like if I wasn't right in front of him something would happen to me. He pulled me into a tight hug, at first I cringed away from him, people touching me now just freaked me out, after last night. I gritted my teeth and hugged him back, this is Tony, I know him, hes not going to hurt me. I screamed at myself in my head. As if almost reading my thoughts he murmured into my hair "Beth, I swear to you I will never hurt you, I don't have a clue who that guy is but when I saw him doing that to you" he clenched his jaw and balled his fists "all I wanted to do was murder him, and to be honest, if Mike hadn't have called the police I think I would have done just that" he said with a murderous look in his eye. A single tear flowed over, he quickly brushed it away with his thumb. He brushed his lips over mine then helped me out of the hideous hospital gown, handing me my clothes and underwear. Even though I hadn't known Tony long I didn't really mind him seeing me half naked, I was too tired to even care. He was a true gentleman though and turned away when I had to get dressed. Bless him.

We walked out to Tony's pickup truck, his arm wrapped protectively around my waist, as if something would happen if he let go. Everyone I saw around me had my stomach churning, I was on constant alert, even though I knew(from what Tony had told me) that Jack had been arrested. I slid into the passenger seat whilst Tony held the door open for me like the gentleman he was. I smiled up at him, looking at his warm brown eyes and full lips. I knew I was falling for him, but the scary thing was I actually wanted to. I had been in past relationships and they had ended badly, I find it hard to trust people now, sometimes even friends.

He closed the door then hopped into the drivers seat, pulling off towards what I assumed was Vic and Mikes parents' house due to the road signs which I remembered from yesterday. Just as we were nearing the house Tony pulled over into a little parking lot and put the handbreak on and then turned to face me.

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