Shadows on the walls

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We got into the cinema and started looking at the film listings. Tony and Mike pulled their snapbacks lower and Vic and Jaime pretended to look at the arcade when a group of girls wearing Slam Dunk shirts and PTV merch walked past. I guess the guys just wanted to hang out without a big deal being made. When they had left we all continued to browse then decided upon Fast and Furious 6. I wasn't really into these sorts of movies normally but it looked cool and all the lads wanted to see it so what the heck.

We went to the desk and just as I was about to hand over a 10 pound note to cover my ticket Tony stepped in. "Here make that two" he said smiling at the assistant and handing her £20. "Oh its ok I can pay for my own honestly" I said protesting against him paying for me, I was so independent and hated people doing stuff for me, I don't know what it is, I guess Ive always been like it. "Now what kind of a gentleman would I be if I didn't pay for you on our first date" he said giving me that full smile I craved. I blushed slightly "so this is a date" I said giggling. "You bet it is and its going to perfect" he said taking my hand and kissing it, causing me to blush again. "Oh come on you pair of soppy love birds" Jaime snapped us out of our little moment. "Aww is Jaime still sore that he got owned by two girls?" I said patting him on the shoulder as I sauntered past him. I heard Tony try and contain his laugh beside me. "Ha-ha-ha" Jaime replied in a sarcastic tone "youre gunna get it bad senorita" he said back chuckling. Oh great now Im in for it.

We made our way down to screen 4 and took our seats. Tony on the end, then me(because I don't like sitting on the end in cinemas, which Tony is still laughing at me for), then Mike, Jaime, Vic and Rhoda. We had a couple of minutes before the lights dimmed so we sat and talked. Tony pulled out his phone and handed it to me. "Group photo!" he called over at the others. I switched the camera to the front and held it far enough out to get all of us in. Just as the photo was about to be taken Tony leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. I flicked the photo up and looked at it. Jaime and Mike were pulling retarded faces, Vic was cuddling Rhoda and then there was Tony kissing me on the cheek. I turned round and grinned at him. "I like this photo" I said blushing. "Me too" he said grinning from ear to ear. He took the phone from me and then leant in and kissed me on the lips time. I heard the snap of the camera and pulled away to see he had taken a picture of us kissing. I saw him flip to his instagram and put both photos up. The tag on the one of us kissing was 'Me and my beautiful girl😂<3' I grinned at the tag, the fact he said 'my' aswell. At least I know now that Im not some one off fan fling thing.

The lights began to dim and the movie started snapping me out of my thoughts. I leaned over a bit and Tony put his arm around me. I settled in and started watching the movie. Half way through the movie I really needed to pee. I got up and stepped over Tony and headed down the steps. The bathroom was right next to the showroom which meant I could be quick. I stepped into the bathroom and no sooner was I finished. As I stepped out of the bathroom I felt someone watching me. I scanned the room and caught a guy staring at me, he wasn't bad looking but the way he was staring at me gave me the creeps. I shook it off and quickly hurried back into the showroom.

The movie finished and we all piled out of the cinema. I looked around at my surroundings again and saw the same man over by the arcade, staring directly at me again, this time he was looking Tony over with a disgusted expression though. Then he looked back over at me, directly staring into my eyes. Tony must have noticed my sudden change in body language as he stopped me. "Hey whats up?" he said bending down a bit so he was at my eye level. "Uhh, that guy, when I came out to go to the toilet he was staring at me and now hes staring at me again, I don't know its probably nothing come on" I muttered tugging Tony's arm. He shot a glare at the guy then put his arm possessively around my waist, I didn't mind though, anything to get that guys heated stare away from me.

We were nearing the bus when Tony pulled me off down the street. "Hey where are we going, the bus is back that way?" I asked confused. "Ive already let the guys know were going out, hey what did I say were on a date and its going to be the best you've been on!" he said grinning at me and continuing to walk. I giggled at him and carried on following. I already knew where we were going, I knew the route to Nando's like the back of my hand. About half of the way there Tony stopped looking really confused. He looked around at the street and then went to pull out his phone. I laughed at his confused face. "Quit laughing at me! Ive never been town here before!" he whined in his American accent. I started laughing even harder. "Its down there and to the right" I choked out, pecking him on the lips. "Hey how did you know where were going? Rhoda didn't tell you did she?" he said looking annoyed. "No! Nando's is like my favourite restraint and I know the route!" I said smiling at him. "Well that's good then!" he said grabbing my hand and continuing to walk towards Nando's. He went to the desk and we got seated at a little table to the side. It was dimly lit and there was a candle lit to the side of the table. I smiled at how cute it was. We ordered our food and then talked whilst we waited.

"Listen Beth, today has been amazing but.." he started. Oh great, here it comes, the big speech about how he has to leave me here because he's leaving for Warped. I knew it was too good to be true, I knew I was just something to keep him occupied. I took a deep breath and prepared myself for the speech I was about to endure. "I don't think I can leave you behind whilst I go on tour" there we go, wait, WHAT? What the hell does he mean he doesn't want to leave me behind, theres no other option?! I snapped out of my thoughts when he pulled something out of his pocket and laid it on the table. I looked over and read what is said on the slip 'All access pass enclosed. Warped Tour via Royal Mail'. I looked up at Tony, shock clearly evident on my face. "F-for m-me?" I said in shock. He grinned at me "yes, for you, we leave tomorrow". I literally shrieked then dived across the table hugging and kissing him. He pulled back softly chuckling. "I knew this would be the best date ever" he whispered in my ear. I hugged him even tighter.

We got a taxi back over to mine and Rhoda's apartment, I was still extremely happy and Tony was holding my hand the whole ride home which made it even better. He told the taxi driver to wait for a minute as he needed a ride back to the hotel. He jumped out and walked me to the door. "Hey by the way I forgot to tell you a few things earlier, one is that I managed to get you a little part time job as out merch girl, it will get you decent money to spend on what you want, Rhoda said that you normally work in the summer so that should cover it" he said smiling down at me. Honestly I don't think he could get any sweeter. "Second thing is, youre going to have to share a bunk with me, if its a problem though I-" I stopped him by brushing my lips against his. He moaned and grabbed my hips pulling me further into his embrace and deepening the kiss. After a couple of minutes he pulled back, both of us breathless. "Ill take that as a yes" he said waggling his eyebrows. I giggled and slapped him on the chest blushing. "We'll pick you up at 7 tomorrow so make sure you get some sleep" he said kissing the tip of my nose. "Oh god, prepare to be horrified, Im really not a morning person" I groaned. "Don't worry, I'll have the coffee waiting for you" he chuckled. "Youre the best!" I pulled him into a hug and then unlocked the door and stepped inside. I ran to the window to wave as he drove off down the street. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a tall dark figure and felt eyes upon me. I looked across the street to see a hooded man under the street lamp, staring directly into our bungalow. I turned to shout for Rhoda but as I did he turned and walked away. What the hell is it with these creepy people? I wrapped my arms around myself and then headed towards my room. Jeez I needed to sleep. I took my makeup off and slid into one of my oversized shirts and fell into bed. In no time at all I was asleep, but not before I had worried myself over that weird guy...



I hope you guys are all enjoying this, I know im a crap writer but hey its my first fan fic! So theyre heading to Warped hey, and who is this hooded guy? Crazy stalker? Mad ex?


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