CHAPTER 6: Plans

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It was quiet in the sunlit room. Well, beside very loud snoring from a very, very tired Alfred. Alfred later snored so loud he scared himself awake. He was blinded by the very bright room, quickly shutting his eyes. He slowly adjusted to the light and remembered what happened the previous night. Alfred rolled over with a big smile on his face, hoping to see Arthur laying there, but frowned when he found it empty. Alfred looked around the room finding no sign of Arthur or any of his belongings. Alfred had a hurt expression, but that changed when he spotted a letter on the nightstand. He quickly reached over, grabbed it and started reading it.

"Dear Alfred,
I'm sorry to have left before you woke, but I had a meeting today. I had to rush out the door to be able to make it in time. I made you a sandwich and put it in the icebox. I know you'll be hungry whenever you wake up. You looked pretty deep in sleep when I left. Here's my number if you want to contact me. XXX-XXX-XXXX. The best way to get a quick response from me is by text. My meeting goes till 3:00pm, so you can text me after that. I remembered you want to 'hang out' today, so I will try to get my work done quick. I will see you later.

Love, Arthur K."

Alfred set the letter back down and had the biggest, goofiest grin on his face.

"Man, his hand writing's pretty and he remembered I wanted to hang with him! He also made me a sandwich! Ah!"

Alfred was practically fangirl-ing and ran downstairs, in just his boxers, to get the sandwich from the fridge. He ate it so fast, who knows if he even tasted it.

"What time is it?" Alfred said with a mouthful of food.

"2:37pm huh? I can take a quick shower and get dressed before 3:00pm. Hehe. This kind of seems like a first date. I wonder what I should wear? What's it like outside?" Alfred quickly went to check the temperature and cringed at wat he saw. It read "43°" on it. Alfred hated the cold and he was confused how it was "70°" yesterday and "43°" today.

"Ehh... I hate Texas weather sometimes... Why'd it have to be cold..? I better get ready so I can think of what to do for our 'date'."

Alfred went upstairs to take a shower and get ready. After he was out of the shower and got dressed, he went on the computer and looked at what movies were playing.

"Oh this one looks good! I'll ask Arthur if he wants to see it!"

Alfred looked at the time and read it at 3:05pm. He was excited to text Arthur for the first time.

"Hey dude! What's up?"

It didn't take long to get a response.

"Just got out of the meeting and my gosh, do I have a lot of bloody work... Oh, did you like your sandwich?"

"Yes! It was so good! I loved it!" (Now we know he could taste it for how quick he ate it.)

"That's good. I'm glad you liked it. What are you doing at the moment?"

"Sitting on the bed, talking to you."

Arthur blushed from Alfred's response.

"Sounds dandy. Did you want to go out today? Any plans?"

"Of course I do! For both! There's this movie playing and I was wondering if you'd want to see it?"

"What picture show is it?"

"The Avengers!!"

"The Avengers? Hmm... I could go see that. It actually does look interesting. What time does it play?"

Alfred was rolling on the bed, happy. After he stopped rolling and composed himself, he replied back.

"Well, depends on when you're done with work."

Arthur laughed a bit from his text. Alfred was being considerate of his work.

"With how much I got, I can be done in let's say, two hours. Does it work with the times?"

"Yeah, there's a 6:45pm showing. Where do you want to meet? I could come pick you up if you'd want?"

Arthur blushed for some reason. Probably imagining Alfred pulling up in his big pickup truck to take him on a "date."

"You can come get me. I'm at the, I think, only motel in this small town."

"Haha! I know which one you're talking about!"

"Good, because I don't know the address."

Alfred started laughing his butt off, thinking of Arthur trying to understand the motel manager's thick southern accent.

"Alright sounds like a plan! I'll be there to get you at 6:30pm. See ya in a bit Iggy! Love you!"

"Alright and don't call me that. Love you too, git."

Alfred plopped on the bed and Arthur sat down and started his work. Both eager to be with each other again.

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