CHAPTER 2: Searching

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Alfred ran down the stairs and burst into the kitchen. He quickly made some waffles and ate them as fast as he had made them. After he finished eating he ran back up stairs and brushed his teeth. Once he was done, he grabbed his favorite jacket and set out for the town square.

When he arrived at the town square after the beautiful walk there, he spotted new couples already. With a small smile on his face, Alfred started his search. One of the theories he used to find his mate was to talk to everyone, hoping to find the right one.

This theory did work for many. Others would find their partner after talking with a few different people. Alfred was starting to get nervous now though. He arrived at the square around 8:00am and had been searching for three hours now. Alfred was also starting to get hungry, so he decided to take a break and head to the little burger shop in town.

As Alfred sat eating his burger, he noticed someone he hadn't seen in town before. He watched curiously as the newcomer looked around, lost. After he finished his lunch, he headed over to the man and asked if he was lost.

"Hey, you lost or something?"

Turning around to the voice that just called to him.

"Huh? Oh, it would appear I am. I'm looking for the post office, but even in this small town, I can't seem to find it."

Alfred blushed a little as to how cute this stranger was to him. He didn't understand why he felt this way, but he pushed it aside for now.

"I could take you there if you'd like. It's not that far from here."

Alfred gave the man a big grin which seemed to ease the other man a little bit.

"If you could, that would be much appreciated. Thank you."

"You're welcome dude!" Alfred replied.

"Dude? What term is this?" The stranger looked confused at Alfred, which looked astonished.

"WHAT?! Have you never heard of that before? You like, hear it from every other person. How have you not heard it before?!"

"Well, seeing as this is my first time to the states no, I've never heard that term before. I would like yo-"

"You're not from the U.S.?! Where you from then?!" Alfred was just amazed by this point.

"*sigh* I'm from the U.K., England. I'm here on business and I need to-"

"Awesome! I've never met someone from England before!"

The stranger was getting very frustrated now.

"If you would let me finish. As I was saying, I need to get to the post office to deliv-"

"What's it like there? Is it cold and always raining like I hea-"

Shouting at Alfred now, the stranger replied.

"Now you listen here you git! I'm trying to tell you I need to go to the post office before it closes to deliver a letter to my boss, but you keep interrupting me!"

Taken aback, Alfred replied.

"Oh, I'm sorry dude. I got distracted. Eheh..." He said this while rubbing the back of his head and smiling.

"*sigh* Well, since we're back on track can we leave there now-"

"Hey! I forgot to ask your name!"

"Huh? Wha- uh, my name's Arthur. Arthur Kirkland."

"My name's Alfred F. Jones. Nice to meet you Arthur!"

"Likewise. So, now that we've introduced ourselves, can we head to the post office now?"

Arthur was tired of sounding like a broken record, but he needed to deliver this letter.

"Sure, dude. Just follow me."

"Oh thank goodness. Finally." Said Arthur relieved that they were finally leaving.

Looking at Arthur, Alfred noticed something that he just had to ask.

"Hey Arthur, I have a question."

"What is it?" Replied Arthur.

Arthur stared at Alfred curious as to what more this man would want to ask. Arthur didn't like the question Alfred had to ask however.

"What's up with those huge eyebrows? Have you never used tweezers?"

That was the last thing Alfred asked for the rest of the walk to the post office.

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