CHAPTER 9: Heart Break

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As Alfred was in surgery, even though he was under anesthesia, he was awake. His body wouldn't let him fall asleep, so he just stared at one of the surgeons. Alfred's arm was stitched up, but he wasn't in too good of shape. He had lost a lot of blood. He was pale and very weak. Alfred's eyes were glazed over with little life in them. The surgeons were looking over him, wondering if he would even make it. The surgeons were interrupted by others wheeling in Arthur. The surgeons already in there were confused and tried kicking them out. The new surgeons explained to them that Arthur need a heart transplant and that the only heart that would work was Alfred's. All the surgeons conversed about it and they were going to leave the decision up to Alfred. Alfred was slow, but understood. He looked over to the man who needed his heart. Alfred was wide-eyed staring at Arthur. He was shocked that Arthur needed his heart. Without hesitation, Alfred tapped his chest above his heart. The surgeons looked at each other, nervous and sad. Alfred tried to speak to one of the nurses in the room, wanting to tell her something. She leant down to hear Alfred. Alfred whispered in her ear and laid back down and closed his eyes. The surgeons started operating and Alfred was looking at Arthur, crying and smiling at him. Alfred whispered "I love you, Iggy" before he flat lined. He was still smiling and looking at Arthur when he passed.

A few days had passed since the accident. Arthur was still asleep, but woke up feeling sore. He felt over his chest that hurt a little and felt weird. He moved his shirt to see and saw a long scar. He started poking it, wondering what happened. A nurse walked in and asked how he was feeling.

"I'm a bit sore and tired."

"Well, that's better than being in pain."

"Yes, I think I'm tired because of that."

"Haha, it happens."

Arthur was rubbing his chest while the nurse was taking his blood pressure. He remembered that Alfred had brought him to the hospital, so he wondered where he was. He asked the nurse, but she was quiet for a while. "Did she not know?" Arthur though to himself. She began to speak in a saddened voice.

"Your friend isn't here anymore. He passed away last night."

Arthur just let out a small laugh.

"You have to be joking. He drove me here. He was in perfect condition."

"You don't remember, do you?"

"Remember what?" Arthur was very confused.

"You and Alfred were in a car accident on your way to the hospital. Alfred had lost his arm and a lot of blood. He died in surgery last night from blood loss."

"No, you're lying..."

"I'm sorry for your loss..."

"No, no! You're f****ing lying! He isn't dead!" Arthur had waterfalls coming from his eyes. He was NOT going to believe that Alfred was gone.

"He can't be dead!" Arthur yelled.

"I'm truly sorry... He really cared for you though. He made sure you were safe after the accident. He pulled you out of the vehicle with one arm and laid close to you until the ambulance came. He held your hand on the way to the hospital, whispering that 'you'll be alright.' Before he passed away, he said..."


"I love you, Iggy."

That was it. Arthur broke down crying. "Alfred was really dead... Only he would call me that..." Arthur was thinking of what will he do now. How will he be able to go on without the loud, kind git by his side.

"When will I be able to see him..?"

The nurse looked up surprised. Arthur was still bawling his eyes out and the nurse wanted to comfort him somehow, so she lightly hugged him and Arthur clung to her like a child. He was crying in her shoulder getting her uniform soaked in that spot.

"His funeral is this Saturday I believe. His family wanted to give you this,"

She handed a letter to Arthur. It was an invitation to Alfred's funeral. He started crying harder, making sobbing noises and clutched the letter to his chest like it was his own life. Arthur opened the letter and read when it starts and stuff. There was a smaller note inside the letter. He took it out and read what it said. It was a note from Alfred's family.

"Dear Arthur,
We all wanted to say thank you for being a part of Alfred's life. The day of the accident, before it happened, Alfred called us, telling us about you. He sounded so happy. He finally found his soulmate. From what he said, you sound wonderful. Matthew, Alfred's brother, is excited to meet you, the one who made his brother happy. He isn't happy about the reason why you're meeting though... He's probably going to run up and hug you, so be prepared. We hope you're feeling better and will be able to come. We're sure Alfred would've wanted you to come. Again, thank you. We can't wait to meet the love of Alfred's life.

Sincerely, The Jones Family"

Arthur was still crying, but had a small smile on his face. He wanted to meet Alfred's family and tell them how great their son was. Arthur laid back down and closed his eyes. He could see Alfred, smiling at him. His baby blue eyes sparkling and filled with so much life and energy. Arthur smiled and fell asleep with that image in his mind. The days passed by and Arthur was released from the hospital on Friday, one day before the funeral.

~~~~~~~~~~~Hi guys!!!~~~~~~~~~~~
I hope you're enjoying the story so far! Why do I do this to myself? Why did I hurt Alfred and Arthur? I was so sad writing this and the last chapter! ;;---;; I'm sorry if I make you sad...

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