Chapter 7: Let's go shopping!

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Chapter 7

Let's go shopping

In the middle of the class, Blaze couldn't help drift over to the blue comet last night and the brief green sky. It was unusual, sure, but there's a nagging feeling inside him. Something that's important to him. He just didn't know what it is.

It shouldn't bother him so much, but he couldn't help it. It was constant. It's a feeling that this comet is staring him right in the face. Waving, jumping around, but he just couldn't put his mind on it.

Blaze's eyes swept through the room, ignoring the flirty looks some girls sent him or their provocative clothes. He has no care for those. Sure he had a few flings here and there but he just found most of them troublesome. One night and suddenly they'd think that they're mates and that certain girl is the next Luna. Like hell, he'll have a slut for a mate.

He's 18, almost to nineteen and yet, he still hasn't found her. Who knows what could she be doing right now, all he know is that he'll find her soon enough. He has to find her. Soon.

Suddenly, his eyes landed on an empty spot. His brows furrowed in concentration, trying to figure out who sits there. As if someone had snapped their fingers, it came to him: the Hybrid, Nolan Corzett. Blaze's eyebrow scrunched together in confusion. As far as he knew, he's always present. But why now? Just at the right time the blue comet came. Coincidence? He thinks not. He must have something to do with it.

He mind-linked his friends, "Has anyone seen the Hybrid?"

His best friend and the future beta, Chandler Marlowe, answered him "No. Haven't seen him in any of my classes. Why do you ask?"

"I have some suspicions." Blaze answered vaguely, making a mental note to himself to visit him. It's not like he hated the guy, it's just that he could be a threat some point in the future. He is after all a witch and a werewolf. They were close friends at some point, they just drifted apart until they were no longer friends.

Annoyed, Blaze stood up and headed to the door. The teacher glared at him, her mouth opened to scold him, but instead he just gave her a challenging stare, daring her to counter him. Blaze is after all, her future Alpha. She closed her mouth and nodded, he could feel the questioning stares and some flirty stares into his back; Blaze brushed them off like a fly that's buzzing around him. It was nothing unusual.

He prefers his duties more than this nonsense crap.

The school's hallway was empty as it should be. Despite his muscular figure, his footsteps were light and stealthily. Soft sounds platter on the floor as he exit through the entrance and get in his car straight to Nolan Corzett's house.


Nolan plucked clothes after clothes from the choices, running around like a madman in a mission, throwing it behind him knowing that Lucy would be there to catch them.

"Nolan....." she said hesitantly, her voice as soft and light as a feather filled with confusion. The fiery eyes looking all around in fascination, stopping on other humans for a moment, studying them. It was different than what she learned. Much different. "What are we doing?"

The short amount of time they've spent together, they've slowly opened up and got quite closer. Nolan couldn't remember the time where he'd had as much fun as he had today. It seemed so long ago. Forever even.

He turned around, giving her an incredulous look. "Shopping, of course. You can't just stay in that clothing that you transformed in, even if they're really really nice." He stated, eyeing her up and down as if he's seeing her still in that fancy, old outfit. "Even that dress won't stay long. Everyone would wonder why you're wearing the same thing over and over again. This isn't a cartoon or anime."

"Shopping?" She inquired, her head cocking to the side innocently. Looking at her still makes him wonder how such a delicate thing like her could be the Lord of the Underworld's daughter. Who had been traveling dimension to dimension and yet, can't figure out how to cook. How in the world does she even eat?

"Yes." He clarified, nodding before continuing further not stopping with his task of choosing clothes that he would think would fit on her. It's not like he know anything about fashion. He does hope her girl senses would know. "It's where you buy things that you want or need. In your case, things you need." He explained.

"Why would I need them? I could just transform."

Nolan paused, it had completely passed his mind before shrugging "Oh well," he said "Let's just continue on." He twirled his wrist, waiting for the words to come in. A clarified explanation. "Blend in! Be more human!"

She didn't say anything, "Define human?" she retorted under her breath. "As far as I can tell, everyone is wearing clothing close to nothing! Maybe that's why Dad hates this place." she said more loudly, directing to the busy guy flipping on hangers, taking them and putting them back before moving to another place. "Not everyone had been nice, even if they are I could tell that it is fake. I'm not stupid."

"That's the way the world works, Lucy." He stated, without even looking at her. "They hate people who are better than them, appearance and what not. Or in generally they hate you even if they think you're different from them. In your case, you're too pretty to be human. People are in their own little bubble. You'll learn soon enough." Nolan whirled around and shove a bunch of clothes at her and directed her to the dressing room, changing the topic, "Come on, princess. Let's do some fashion!" He cheered with fake enthusiasm.

"I'm not a princess." Lucy hissed.

Nolan raised his eyes as if he knew better and he did. Though he's not going to comment on that. He shoved her inside the dressing room and closed the curtains. He sat just outside waiting for her when a few minutes later, he heard a crash followed by a shriek and then bunch of unknown curses.

Nolan stood up in a flash, running over to her and opening the door only to stop, frozen at the sight; his jaw hanging open and wide-eyed. He stared at the frozen Lucy; her head halfway through the shirt, showing her porcelain white stomach. Her short falling down on her long legs, the other half raised, leaving her in her underwear. It was comical, really.

Lucille's eyes were wide with horror, and without thinking about it, she blasted ball of a red flash of light at him throwing him halfway across the room. Breathing heavily and blushing bright pink horrified at what just happen and what she had done. She snapped her hands, and the clothes disappeared from her and her original outfit followed before running to the unconscious figure. Still blushing, she pressed her pointer finger and the middle finger on his forehead with a dull yellow light.

Nolan's eyes fluttered open, coming face to face with a startling red eyes an inch away from him. He sat up, trying to hide the blush on his face. "What happened?"

"I'm very sorry, you surprised me and I acted on instinct."

A laugh escaped his lips, before putting his hands on her silver, feather-like, hair softly. "On second thought, let's just get them." He stood up and collected the pile of assorted clothes and headed to the cashier leaving her stunned. Her hands touching to where his were before. Skin still stinging, and heart fluttering she stood up and followed him.

What was that?

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