Chapter 8: Old Days and Regrets

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Chapter 8

Old Days and Regrets


The laughter of children and their screams of happiness as they play around the front yard. Blaze, even in his car, could hear them. He could hear the training going on for the male adults, that would soon be joined in by the others when the clock hits 5. There's also the women, mingling around doing their usual stuff. Blake smiled, but even still, he drove past the mansion and turned to a corner more than half a mile where he meets a cul-de-sac. He got out of his 2015 Lamborghini Aventador, slamming it shut behind him and began striding towards the house, slightly hidden by trees.

There was nothing but earth's nature. There was always a stillness to it, a quietness that he greatly appreciated. There was a time where he use to come here and just lay back with Nolan, but that was before everything changed. He missed it.

He missed just sitting around, listening to Mother Earth's sound; free from the sound of cars, traffic, yellings or humans or the distinct smell of honeysuckle in the air no matter what season; it's always there.

He would never admit it, ever to anyone how much he missed Nolan. His attentiveness whenever Blaze would come by and just talk, complain endlessly. Or the fooling around. He missed being around him who made him feel normal instead of the Future Alpha, who had shouldered everyone's heavy expectation and pressure to be the best. He missed doing the stupid stuff they used to do. He missed Nolan. His best friend and Blaze yearned for his company again. Do go back to the old good days.

But that can't happen.

How can he face his used-to-be best friend, when Blaze just threw him away like a useless toy? When he just left him when Nolan needed him the most, especially when he was there when Blaze needed him. All because he had to follow what everyone thought, that he lost the one real friend he had.

The worst part?

Nolan didn't get angry. He didn't protest. Or get angry. When he was thrown to the house instead of living in the packed house, he didn't give, not one objection. He just accepted it, as if Nolan truly believed that he actually deserved it when he doesn't. He was a kid. He wasn't resentful. Nolan didn't have revenge for treating him like a piece of shit. Nolan treated Blaze normally, distant but still there was a tinge of kindness.

Blaze could still remember the day Nolan was on stage, Blaze's father, the Alpha, telling him not to live in the pack-house, that he was a disgrace and an omega, the lowest rank in the pack. He just stood there, taking everything in. Like a statue, not saying a thing, nor any emotions betraying his face. All kept in a heavy wall of a facade. There wasn't even a trace of tears in. Blaze didn't see him cry ever since his parents had died. Not even when he was found between his parents, covered in blood. There were tear streaks in his eyes, but that was it. None.

Blaze stood there, not doing a thing. Their eyes met then, Nolan looked at him with nothing. A blank, empty brown eyes. He wanted to do something, but he can't go against his father. He didn't do a thing. What kind of best friend was he? Nolan needed someone, but he had no one. Not one. Not even him.

He visited a few times, secretly, but he was greeted with silence. A one-word answer to his question before the door shuts behind him.

There was nothing to save between the two of them. Nothing.

Blaze took a deep breath, the honeysuckle greeting him like a grandmother baking a batch of freshly cooked cookies, and shook himself out of the memories and continued towards the house. He knocked.

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