''Now, let's start explaining...''

40 4 4

''We can talk about this when we get to the center, now can you run, Jake?'' Said Sarah, she had her fingers at the edges of the small blue curtains which were covering the windows.

''Yes, I guess?'' I asked nervously. I had no idea what was going on, I was in a car full of people I didn't know (well we techniqually just met but still), I was going to a place which I had no idea of, and-

''Okay then, go for it!'' She said and pushed me outside the car. ''Run as fast as you can! Douna I trust you on this they are probably just 5'' Said Sarahand started running.

''Yes, Ms. Sarah.'' Said Douna as she tied her short hair to a pony tail and... disappeared into thin air!?

''What the hell!?'' I shouted and ran as fast as I could.

''We will explain everything at the center, there is a possibility that Douna can not tale care of this, so you better keep running'' She shouted from the front still running.

I turned my back just to see 3 people on the ground and 3 people running while pointing small guns at us. They had one of their hands on their weird hat with headphones and microphones...

I can't remember the last time I ran as fast as this but, you get scared when you see 3 people with guns running after you...

I almost thought I was dying when I heard a gun-shot blow right next to me.

''Stop zoning out! Sarah! It seems as Douna won't get the job done, I will do it.'' Shouted Dave, and when he was taking out his gun Sarah answered...

''Give the girl a chance, she already took out 3 she can handle it, I'm sure, and we're almost at the center.'' She shouted back.

I tried to run faster if it was possible and turned back to see how many people were still after us.

There was only 1 man who was very short, he threw his hat in the air and pointed his gun at me.

''This one isn't wearing a technological device, I can't-'' I heard Douna shout from somewhere I couldn't see but Dave cut her sentence.

''I will do it'' Said Dave and took his gun out of his hood, quickly pointed it at the man, and the only sound which could be heard was a gun-shot...

''Okay only 10 meters then we're almost at the transfer.'' Said Sarah.

''Wow that was close.'' I heard a voice say near me.

I turned my head to my left in fear, and saw Douna laughing at me.

She coughed a bit and kept talking, ''Sorry, did I scare you?'' She asked.

''How did you disappear-''

''We came, stop or you will bump on the wall.'' Said Dave with a tired expression on his face.

''Can someone explain me what is going on?'' I asked.

Dave pushed a card into the door on the wall and answered ''Wait until we get to the center.''

''Okay, are we all here?'' Asked Sarah and looked around. ''Where is Fred?'' She asked.

''Ms. Sarah, on the mission paper it is written that Mr. Fred needs to take the car and leave, he was there for extra protection during the journey.'' Douna read from the red paper she was holding.

''Oh... I forgot, okay then, everyone get in'' She showed the door Dave had just opened and got in.

Me, knowing nothing what's happening, just followed them.

''Okay so, Dave is this a porten energy place?'' Sarah asked looking at the number that was written on the wall, '2121 15'

''No, it's not, we're the only energies here.'' Dave answered.

''Okay then, it should be easy.'' Said Sarah and put her hands on her forehand. I felt something burning in my stomach, and everything darkened.


I woke up.

Well, that was an interesting dream I guess...

''At last he woke up! Douna I wasted a lot of time already can you take him to your room and explain everything? The schedule of this week should be on your door, if it isn't ask someone to give a copy of it to you, bye!'' I heard familir voice say and a noise of someone closing a door.

So it wasn't a dream after all? But, how come-

I was pulled out of my thoughts by another similar voice ''Yes Ms. Sarah.''

''I guess you're feeling a bit dizzy but you should be okay, come.'' I was pulled out of the bed I was lying on by my hand.

''I will take us to our room and explain everything, come.'' Douna held me by my waist and helped me walk.


''Do you need something?'' She turned her face towards me.

''No I was about to ask something but-'' She cut me again.

''I will explain everything when we get to the room, don't worry.'' She stopped infront of an elevator and pressed the big grey button.

When elevator finally came after a few seconds, Douna helped me get in and touched the elevator wall. We suddenly started going up.

''The elevator has a touch-screen? Cool.'' I said as I looked at the elevator walls and saw a few buttons written numbers on them. ''W-''

''It's not touch-screen, there are buttons but I try not to use them, as I explained a few minutes ago I will explain when we get to the room.'' She answered my not-complete question.

The elevator door opened, Douna helped me get out again and we walked through a small hall with 9-10 doors.

We stopped at a door which had the number '154' on it.

''There are 154 rooms?'' I asked surpised.

''No, there are about 50 rooms I think, but each of them has weird numbers for some reason.'' She explained and took out a key and placed it in the small space on the door.

She pushed the door open and the lights instantly turned on. The room wasn't actually a room.

It was like a small house, it had 3 rooms in it, one of them had a girl drawing on it, the other one had a boy drawing on it, and the last one was like a small living room it had 2 couches, a sofa, a cupboard and a table for 4 people

''Come, sit on the couch I will bring you water.'' She said, I sat on the couch, she went to the cupboard and took a bottle of water.

She came closer and sat on the other couch, then gave me the bottle of water.

''Now, let's start explaining...''

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2015 ⏰

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