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A/N:Imy guys sorry I haven't been updating A Cry For Help,however summer been boring so updates will come more frequently.My prom was great and whatever!

Now enjoy this lovely update don't forget to kik me I am always soooooooooooooo bored my kik is Alana_1D

I've had that kik for a long time now anyways here's the update y'all all been waiting for.

Alex's POV

Louis and I have been together for five months now and everything has been going good.Ive been going to a therapist to talk things out like problems and whatever."Babe I made breakfast come down before Niall eats it all".Yup that's right me and Niall are on good terms again besides the fact he told me how much he loved me and stuff like if Louis and I break up he would be there for me.Just saying the blut Amber wasn't so happy about the fact Niall broke up with her and was friends with me but who cares she knows better than to come and mess with me or my family.Just one blow to the face is all you need to get a whore out of your space.[Haha that's rhymes].

"Stop Niall don't eat it all"I heard Louis scream.I snapped out of my thoughts and ran downstairs to see Niall and Louis wrestling on the floor."Boys"I said but they didn't hear me."Boys"I said even louder than before."BOYS"I screamed,they both stood up saying apologies as we sat down eating breakfast.After breakfast I got a call from Michelle. [A is Alex and M is Michelle]

M-aye yo whatcha doing today guuuurrrllllll

A-why so happy hmm and louis is taking me out on a date tonight

M-Awh cute but call me when your free I miss you and we need our girls night

A-how about Saturday I promise

M-okay talk to you later luff ya bitch

A-bye love ya hoe

I took a quick shower washed my hair with my new lavender shampoo and conditioner.I got out and got dressed into a cute navy blue and white dress that has a bow in the back with my white flats,I brushed out my hair and put it up in a donut bun.I got my phone and left downstairs.I see all the boys downstairs I gave them quick hugs and went to my car to find out where Louis has planned this date to be at.

As I was driving my phone started ringing,I looked down and saw it was my mom.I picked it up putting the phone to my ear."hello mom".I heard sniffling in the other end."Mom what's wrong".

"Honey it''s your brother".My eyes got watery and breathing got heavy "what happen to him".

She didn't speak for a few minutes"mom please"."Nathan got shot and...and he is in critical condition".My mind went blank.Nathan wasn't my brother by blood but we were very close and hearing that he got shot and is in critical condition made everything fuzzy.

I couldn't see clearly from all the tears falling down as I made a turn everything stopped...the world went blank and cold.Last thing I heard was sirens and screams.


Louis POV

As I was waiting for Alex to come to the park I looked over to picnic I had set up for us.I really loved her and I was going to give her a promise ring.I really want to spend my life with her and hopefully in the future have some kids and live happy together as a family.I smiled at the thought of a family with Alex.I got snapped out of thought when I got a call from Alex's mom."hello".

"Oh Louis Nathan got shot and he is in the hospital...he is in critical condition and I..I just".

"Shhh it'll be alright have you heard from Alex I'm quite nervous"."I just got off the phone with her,come meet me at the hospital I got to go bye Louis love".I said a quick bye and hung up the phone.

I couldn't think properly Nathan got shot and is in critical condition.I hope Alex is alright.I started packing the food away to go to the hospital when I heard a huge crash a few blocks down.I hurriedly put the food away and ran to what it was.I seen a truck smashed into a smaller car that was flipped upside down.I walked closer until a policeman stopped me."excuse me sir your not aloud to go there".

I seen police pick up a girl onto the gaurnie(that thing for the ambulance use idk how to spell it)

I looked closely and then that's when my world came crashing down."That's my girlfriend"I screamed.The police in front of me lead me in the ambulance with her.I caressed her cheek and sobbed."please don't leave me Alex..please don't go now".I whispered."I love you".

Alex's POV

It was blank,dark,and I couldn't see anything."Louis"I screamed."Mom","Dad"."Nathan".

"Where am I"."Help".No matter what I screamed no one was coming and I was lost in a dark place.There was a bright light flashing.I walked to it and it took me to some house.I walked in and screamed"hello".No one answered again.I walked into what seemed like the living room and seen a little boy on the floor playing with blocks.The little boy had chestnut brown hair and the bluest eyes.I looked a little closer and the little boy looked like Louis and someone else but I wasn't sure."I reached out my hand to caress the little boys cheek"hi dear my name is Alex".The by stopped playing with his blocks and looked me in the eyes.

His eyes widened and he ran.What did I do.I was very confused until I see a laughing Louis trailing behind the bouncing boy."dawddy look its the girl,she is here next to my blocks".I waved at Louis and said "hey".But he didn't seem to see or hear me."what girl son".Louis asked curious as the little boy pointed at a picture frame.I walked up and seen a girl smiling with Louis and the boys.The girl had long brunette hair and light green eyes.That girl was me.Louis smiled faded and it turned to a sad gloomy one.

A tear fell down his cheek and he whispered"I really miss you,I wish you was here right now".Then he murmured "I love you"while kissing the picture frame.That when I realized I'm dead.I reached out to touch Louis arm."Alex".I kissed his cheek and said "I love you Louis forever and always".He broke down in tears and that's when a girl came out."Louis sweetie what's wrong".I looked her closely realizing that girl was Eleanor."Ellie she..she's here".Eleanor rubbed his back gently saying"It's okay Louis shhh you'll be fine I miss her too".The little boy came running to Eleanor."mummy why is dawddy so sad".

I started tearing and that's when I was changed into another scenery.Where was I?.

That's when I seem mom in a wheelchair and Nate by her side.They were looking over at dads bed where he was hooked up to different machines.April was in her room depressed looking and I seen little slits on her arm.I guess since I've died everyone changed.Mom was in a wheelchair meaning her legs gave up.Dad was almost in his death bed and April was depressed.It only made me cry harder knowing that I may be pronounced dead or hopefully alive.

I've been in the hospital so much in my past and being that I can't seem to wake up makes me worry how life would be in the future, if I did had gone away.

All of a sudden I seen another bright light too afraid of walking towards it I heard "please wake up please I love you Alex please".I ran towards the light and.......

A/N:MY IPAD IS DYING well lovelies Thx for waiting for the update and I wasn't dead it's just the last month of school was stressful.However my summer so far is boring so there should be more updates and yeah

Keep up the votes I thank you so much I reached 1K votes and 70.2K reads this makes me so happy.I love you all and I'm happy you actually like this book it means a lot.

So I have another thing I have another account and its on my phone

I'd appreciate it if you go check out my books on it my name is styleslover1

Kik me when I say my summer is boring I mean it,no one talks to me as much and I'm like gawk

I start my high school on the 15th of July only for two weeks them I go back in September

So I'll update very soon love u all

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