Chapter Seven

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Hello lovely people so I'm gonna update today YAYYYYYYY am I the only one happy.I hope not.So before I lead you into the story I want to talk.So I bought just dance 4 and let me say that game is fun and I'm awesome at it.The problem is I played all of them non stop then did a exercise one.My body was shaking so here I am all fresh and clean writing this.

Also a few people told me Louis wasn't in my bio i don't know why cause when I'm in my profile I see his name but I guess it's messed up or whatever so I took all there names of just so there's no complications.Oh and I watched Paranormal Activity 4 I got up to night 7 and then my friend came so I did her hair for a school Dance I didn't go cause I was busy and blah but the problem is all through those nights up till 7 I was jumping and screaming.Im a total scaredy cat but I like getting myself scared.

So here your update now adios......

Alex's POV

I woke up and used the bathroom and did what I had to do.I opened the door to see Tim standing in front of me with a smirk."Why are you smirking and looking like a creepy pervert".He chuckled.Weird."Welll"be said bringing out the l."I heard a certain boy band was at your house and you was freaking one direction I mean why I didn't know about this".He threw his arms in the air swinging it around.

"why would I do that to you they might just get scared of you cause you'll try and rape them".I said smirking back."no I won't it'll be zayn but I know that is unsanitary so I'm out of luck.Its a shame non of them are gay".I patted my gay friends back and tried to cheer him up."What's for breakfast timothy".He glared at me for using his full name."well Michelle is cooking so yeah and never use my full name Alexzandria".I playfully glared at him and made my way to the kitchen.

"Holy flying monkey unicorn why all this"I said looking at all the food set on the table.Michelle giggled at me."well I just felt in the mood to make lots of food and such creative words there"."thanks I guess now shush your face hole I got some eating to do".I grabbed a fork and piled my plate.I began to eat and felt in heaven.Why was Michelle blessed with O'mighty cooking skills I mean I can't cook for nothing.It enough I can make toast.

After that amazing breakfast my friend made I changed into a floral bralet and a high waisted white skirt.I put on my white sandal heels and brushed through my curly hair.I did a waterfall braid and didn't d my makeup.I grabbed my bags and said goodbye to Tim and mickie(michelle).I got in my car and drove back home.When I got home I saw Niall and Louis walking out the house.I pulled up to the driveway and got out.I had my sunglasses on and my shoulder bag in my hands.

I saw Louis eyes wander my body and niall's jaw drop.I mean what are they looking at anyway.I turned to see if it was someone but nothing.I shrugged it off and went inside.I closed the door and saw Nate walk up to me."you are a horrible sister you know that"."I love you too".I said while hugging him."I mean it you left me with one direction and it was weird".I poured myself some juice and took a long sip with nate's eyes still starring a me to answer.

"they have names and sorry but you know my past and I'm trying to avoid them remember"."Well actually no I don't remember cause you never told me duh"."whatever"I rolled my eyes and walked to the living room."hi Alex I called and we don't have dance classes today but we do tomorrow"April said.

I nodded and walked up to my room.I sat on my bed turning on my laptop getting ready to watch some YouTube videos.Im not a game type of girl but I love watching pewdiepie videos they just make the scary games funny and seem fun.

Niall's POV(haven't done him in a long time)

Seeing Alex the day the Harrison's invited us to dinner was just all a blur.She looked different.A good different.I couldn't stop starring at her.I was an idiot for hurting her like that.Whats wrong with me.I think i like her again.No Niall you can't you have your more beautiful and loving girlfriend Amanda.I like Amanda but I'm not sure I love her.When we kiss it's plain no passion no nothing.

When I kissed Alex there was something.Cliche isn't it.Its true.I was utterly mind-fucked.I didn't know what I wanted at the point.When Louis looked at her it was with guilt and love.Im not sure if she saw him but one thing I know for sure is that she won't forgive me and take me back.I know what I am gonna do now.Im gonna make her forgive me then when she does I'll show her how much I care and love her.

I'm gonna make her mines and Louis can't stop me.

Louis POV

I saw Alex get out the car.She looks beautiful my eyes widened at her body.She was slim and curvy.She had a dancer body and all truth here but that belly button pricing and tattoo makes her even more hot.This girl doesn't know I'm falling for her. Need a way to make her forgive me and let her know my feelings.Since the break up with Eleanor that management made me do I couldn't stop crying and wouldn't leave my room for nothing.

I soon found out eleanor moved on and has a new boyfriend.I took that as a move on.If Alex rejects me or doesn't like me that way I dont know what'll I do.I mean Alex seems like the 'it' girl.Do you catch my drift.The girl that is meant for me.The one.I sat on the couch thinking of ways to get her back then it hit me.I know what I will do no I hope it works.

Alex's POV

After watching about twenty pewdiepie videos I layed down on my bed exhausted.I got up and took ,y clothes off.I hopped in the shower and stood there thinking.Louis.When I saw him I saw guilt and love in his eyes.Why was there love.Oh no don't say Louis is in love with me.But something change about Louis.I think I should forgive them I mean they mean no harm.That is if they prove they should be forgiven.Niall it will take some time to forgive.I mean he is the one who hurt me the most maybe not all that physically but mentally he did.He messed with my mind and made me think I loved him.

I got out the shower the towel wrapped around me.I put on baggy sweats that were my brothers and a crop top that had a smiley face on it.I put my hair in a messy bun and put on my fuzzy slippers.I went down stairs wondering what I should eat.Hmm there is noodles.I boiled the water and waited for the noodles to get done.I still wonder do I feel the same way Louis feels about me.This must all be a misunderstanding I mean he really won't like me.

This is coming from the guy who tried to rape me,called me names,and physically hurt me.But he isn't the same Louis that's what u know for sure.I was still wondering when the door rang.I skipped over to the door and opened it.I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that person.My heart skipped a beat and my stomach felt queasy.Whats going on why do I feel like this.

The person at the door was.....

A/N:CLIFF HANGER sorry I left ya hanging.I have something to say.You are all officially now my jellybeans.It came to me out of know where.It was all like *poof* the mystical fairies spoke to me.Anyways so I have the top 5 people who I found interesting little jellyfishes.I will put ur names down on paper and put it all in a hat and choose which ever one is in my hands.Its only fair.So the too 5 people who want to play the role as Harry's girlfriend are......:






And heck why not add one more person


So those 6 people will have there names in a hat I'll tell you the winner on my next update oh and btw....I want to bond with my jellybeans so if you have a kik,kik me a twitter and yeah that's mainly it hah bye




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