Shattered Reality

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15- Shattered Reality


Trunks paced across his bedroom floor as he ran his hands through his hair. He couldn't believe what he had done. He blamed the nearly full moon for making him crazy.

He had kissed Pan! Not just a quick little peck, either. Her sweet taste still lingered on his lips, making him want more. It was taking all of his willpower plus more to keep himself from going back to the earth and kissing Pan again.

Trunks shook his head to clear his thoughts. No! It was late. He had walked her back inside of her castle before leaving, knowing that he needed to get away from her and cool his head for a while.

With a groan, Trunks flopped onto his bed and let out a deep breath to calm his heart down. Pan was going to be the death of him; he was sure of it. Pan made him feel a way that no one else had ever made him feel.

When Trunks was with Pan, it felt as if he forgot everything but her. He even forgot about Frieza for a few short blissful hours. She made him feel vulnerable in an exciting way. Like he could tell her anything, and most times, he did. He always told her too much. More than he knew he should say to her about his life and Vegeta-Sei.

There was a bang on Trunks' door, and he shot his head up just in time to see Bulla walk into his room. She was pouting for some reason as she marched over to him and sat at the end of his bed with a huff.

"What?" Trunks muttered, unsure if he wanted to know what made her mad.

"I hate Frieza," she muttered back.

Trunks let out a heavy sigh. Bulla, for the most part, never had to deal with Frieza. Occasionally the slimy bastard would ask her a question. When she turned fourteen, he demanded that she go on a raid to prove her worth to be a Princess. Their Appa and Eomma both had hated it, but thankfully Bulla got to go on a raid that Trunks and Endou were both on. It was an easy raid, and Bulla had done nothing but stay on the ship.

"Join the club," Trunks sighed as he rolled over onto his stomach so he could see Bulla better. He nudged her with his shoulder. "Did your boyfriend have to go to a raid or something?"

"He's not my boyfriend!" Bulla's cheeks turned red.

Trunks smirked, instantly reminded of how pink Pan's cheeks for whenever he teased her. "You could have fooled me with how you sneak out in a rush to meet him all the time."

Bulla let out a loud scoff, "you mean like how you always rush out to meet your girlfriend?" She shot back.

Trunks stared at her for several seconds before they both grinned. Trunks didn't know all of Bulla's secret, and she didn't know all of his, but they still had each other's back.

"It's late, but I bet Endou is still awake. Do you want to go find him and drag him with us to go shoot some fireworks?" Trunks asked.

Bulla stood up as her eyes shined mischievously. "I do like bugging Endou Oppa. Let's go!"

Trunks just chuckled as he rolled off of his bed and stretched as he followed Bulla. He wondered what Pan was doing back on earth, and a gentle smile twitched across his face. He couldn't wait to see her again.


Pan smiled to herself as she brushed her hair and got ready for the night. Her lips still tingled with the touch of Trunks, and she let out a giggle as her cheeks grew warm. She let out a blissful sigh and hummed to herself as she twirled around her room. She wondered how late it was on Vegeta-Sei and what Trunks was doing.

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