To Vegeta-Sei

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20- To Vegeta-Sei


Chi-Chi's lips twitched in amusement as she watched Pan and Trunks sitting at the desk in the greenhouse. Their heads were bent together as they whispered about something. Chi-Chi could tell that whatever it was they were talking about was something that excited Pan. Her daughter was grinning as she wiggled in her seat.

Chi-Chi sent away the few gardeners that had been helping her and wiped her hands on her pink apron before she walked over to the table to investigate. "Okay, you two," she said. "What's up?"

Pan looked up at Trunks, who nodded his head. She beamed, "Mama! Trunks invited me to visit his home for the weekend so that I can see the Summer Festival. Can I please go, Mama?"

Chi-Chi's eyes widened in surprise. Pan wanted to go to Vegeta-Sei? So many thoughts ran through Chi-Chi's mind. She wasn't worried about Pan's safety; Chi-Chi knew Trunks would take excellent care of her. Pan's health was Chi-Chi's primary concern.

"Isn't the gravity much stronger there?" Chi-Chi asked softly. That would put too much of a strain on Pan's frail body.

"My Eomma has these anti-gravity bracelets that I can get for Panna," Trunks said. "It'll make it to where she's like here on earth."

Chi-Chi nodded slowly. That eased her mind a little. "How will you travel there?"

"Trunks can teleport us," Pan said eagerly.

Chi-Chi's eyes widened. "You can teleport? There no magic bracelets for that?" She asked. She had always assumed that's how he managed to go back and forth between the earth and Vegeta-Sei daily.

"Well, there are," Trunks nodded. "I used to have one, but I learned a technique that used my Ki and allows me to teleport myself."

Instant Transmission. Chi-Chi knew that technique. She had seen Goku use it countless of times. One of the times she had seen him use it was the night Pan was born.

"And how are you going to get Panny there without being suspicious?" Chi-Chi asked, genuinely curious.

Finding out Trunks was a Saiyan wasn't nearly as big as a shock as finding out that he was also the Prince. Chi-Chi tried not to let that unsettle her too much. Pan was okay with that fact, and so was Trunks, so Chi-Chi needed to be okay with it as well. Her only worry was that once Trunks and Pan decided to take their relationship to the next level, such as marriage or mating, would the Saiyans accept a weak human as their Princess and Future Queen?

"My little sister just turned sixteen, the same age as Panna," Trunks said. "She's in on the mission, and she said that Pan could pretend to her friend visiting from Josen, a nearby trading planet."

"Mama," Pan spoke up before Chi-Chi could open her mouth.

Chi-Chi saw Pan's dark eyes widen in a silent plea. She knew just how much Pan wanted to go by the look in her eyes. Chi-Chi let out a small breath. Somehow, it felt wrong to deny Pan the opportunity to go to Vegeta-Sei. Pan wouldn't know it, but she would be going to a planet that was apart of her heritage.

"Okay-" Chi-Chi said, and Pan let out a squeal. "Wait!" Chi-Chi said quickly. "I have one condition," she said. She looked at Trunks, "I know I don't have to ask this of you," she began, "but keep my Panny safe."

Trunks smiled as he nodded his head. "You have my word. I'll make sure she's safe at all times."

Pan jumped up and rushed around the table so she could hug Chi-Chi tightly. "Oh, thank you so much, Mama!"

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