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Cleaning. That's what I did when I was nervous or needed time to pass quick. So thats what I was currently doing.

I dusted the tv roughly. I swept, vacuumed and even mopped. I mowed the lawn and organized my closet.

My eyes darted to the clock. Billie and I hadn't set a time but I was planning on being their at two. And it was 1:30.

"Shit!" I still had to shower. I ran to the shower and took a 5 minute shower, my best time.

I searched through my closet for clothes and wore a nice dress with black flats. I pinned a part of my hair up. I looked at the clock. 1:47. I can't be late, I thought. I put on a black cardigan grabbed my keys and cellphone and went outside to my car.

I turned the key and my car woke up. I made my way to the caffè, starting off with an illegal U-turn.

It was 2:05 when I got there. I parked my car and got out. I scanned the tables outside and spotted him. I hurried to where he was at.

I made it to the table and he got up as soon as he saw me. He walked behind me and pulled my chair back for me.

"Thank you." I said and sat down.

"No problem." he said and went to sit down to his chair.

"Have you been waiting for a long time?" I asked him.

"No I just got here about 4 or 5 minutes ago." he said.

"I guess we had the same time set in our mind." I said and looked down at my hands.

"We always thought alike." he said. I looked up at him and saw him smile. Damn it Billie Joe. He was not making it easy for me to think of him as my jerk ex-boyfriend.

His black hair was stylishly messy and his eyes were as green as ever. He had on his usual jeans and black converse. His shirt was blue and he had a gray zip up hoodie. His whole presence was perfect. And gosh I needed to stop thinking of him like that.

"Gloria, about Rebecca..." he started.

I sighed. I wasn't looking forward to this talk.

"Look Gloria, we're going to have to talk about this. That's why we're here right?"

"I just don't know what has to be said."

"My side of the story. You only listened to what she had to say. And you believed it all. I'm not even sure what she said but apparently it was enough to tear you apart from me and now you're going to marry that what's-his-face."

"His name is Sebastian." I said. I sighed again. "I saw you two kiss-"

"And that was all that happened." Billie Joe said.

"Not according to her. She says you took her to your house and..."

"I swear Gloria, that never happened. I would never do that to you." his hands clasped mine and we stayed silent.

I enjoyed having his hands on mine but I unwillingly pulled my hands away. He did too, once he noticed what he'd done.

"But she would. She had her eye on you since we started dating."

"We just kissed Gloria." he said, firmly.

"Maybe you and Rebecca just kissed or maybe you did more. It doesn't matter anymore. I'm getting married Billie Joe."

"And it's a mistake."


"Because he's not me."

"Oh for crying out loud..."

"You still love me, Gloria. And I still love you."

"You don't know that."

"Yes I do! And you do to. Don't treat me like I don't know you. You look at me the same way you looked at me all those years ago."

"I love Sebastian."

He laughed. "Really? Then you won't feel anything for me when I do this."

He leaned across the table, cupped my cheek with his hand and, before I could come to the conclusion of what he was about to do, his lips met mine. My eyes fluttered closed and I started to kiss him back. His lips were sweet and soft. I hadn't known how much I missed them till then.

We pulled back slowly, as if we were trying to make the kiss last. My head shot back and my fingers touched my lips.

"I-I should go." I said and grabbed my keys and phone from the table. I put my chair back and got up. Billie Joe did the same, getting up as quickly as he could.

I turned to walk away when he grabbed my arm.

"You see Gloria? I make that happen. The way you act when I kiss you, it's the same way you acted 7 years ago. You kiss me with the same love. And you know it." he said.

I let my arm loose and looked at him.

"If you love me like you say you do, let me be happy." I sneered.

He looked pained and I left the caffè without looking back.



Forgetting You But Not The Time {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now