Surprise Visit

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I sighed. I had been really stressed out with the wedding plans lately, and my phone call with my Mom yesterday added to the stress.

Rebecca and I hadn't always been competitive. There was a time when we were really close. I was adopted and older than Rebecca by a few months. Three to be exact. I was adopted when I was 1 month old. I don't know or remember anything of my biological parents. The reason I was adopted was because my mom thought she couldn't have any children.

Two months later, my mom was in the kitchen feeding me when her water broke. She was shocked but she had seen her sister go into labor so she knew that was what was going on. It was a surprise birth. Rare, but possible. She screamed for my dad and we headed to the hospital. 10 hours later, Rebecca was born.

Rebecca and I got along great when we were kids. When we entered high school Rebecca started...changing. She started hanging out with the popular kids instead of our usual group. Our group was Trè, Mike, Maria, Billie Joe, and I. We had all been friend's since elementary.

Afterwards she was different. She started being mean to other kids just to fit in with her new group of 'friends'. Then she started getting competitive. I would talk to her about guys I thought were cute and she would start dating them the next day. And the following week she had a new boyfriend.

Billie Joe and I started dating in the middle of our Senior year in high school. I had asked him to a girls' choice dance because I had a huge crush on him since middle school. Only Maria knew this and she made me ask him to the dance. He accepted and after the dance he kissed me. That's how it started and it was amazing.

That is until Rebecca decided she wanted him too. Nothing really happened until we had three years together. One day I was heading home from the store and I passed by the park. I saw a glimpse of Rebecca and I saw her kissing someone. I walked closer to see who it was and saw it was Billie Joe.

I was devastated. She had done what she wanted. I was heartbroken.

I shook my head as I tried ignoring the memories. What happened, happened. It couldn't be changed. And I couldn't and wouldn't turn back time.

I jumped slightly as I heard a knock on the door. I got up and walked over to the door. I opened it.

"Billie..." I looked at his figure standing in front of me.

"Hi Gloria."

"What are you doing here?"

"I needed to see you."


He shrugged. "I felt I had to."

I sighed and opened the door a little more to let him in. "Come in."

We walked inside and I closed the door. He looked up and around.

"Nice place." he said.

"Thanks. How'd you...did Maria tell you where I lived?"

"She's a good friend."

"She shouldn't have done that." I said and crossed my arms.

"Well she did and I'm here." he said. He stuck his hands in his jeans pockets and looked at me.

"Why?" I asked again.

"I told you already, I felt like I had to see you."

"Why see me?"

"Because I need you back."

I sighed. "Really Billie Joe? I haven't seen you in seven years. I was having a good life and then you came back. Now I'm having all these doubts and second thoughts."

"About the wedding?" he asked and walked closer to me.

I stepped back a little. "Yea, about the wedding."

"So you don't love him?"

"I never said that."

"But you're having second thoughts. If you loved him you would be sure."

"Trust me, I love him. Plus, everyone has second thoughts before marriage."

"Yea. But you said you started getting them when you saw me again." he walked closer to me and I stepped back until I hit the wall by the door.

"You make me...remember things. The lies, the heartbreak. I'm scared that'll happen with Sebastian. What if he ends up leaving me for someone better?"

"It'll be his loss."

I scoffed. "What and I was a loss for you?"

His hands were on either side of my head and his face came closer to my own.

"A huge one. Losing you was my biggest mistake."

His lips crashed into mine in an almost angry and hurt way. My lips automatically responded and kissed him back but then I thought about what I was doing. I was getting married for God's sake! I shouldn't be kissing Billie Joe and I shouldn't allow him to kiss me. I pushed him away and my hand shot up and collided with his cheek.

"Stop." I said.

His hand shot to his cheek where I had slapped him.

"I'm sorry that I slapped you but you have to understand Billie Joe. I'm. Getting. Married. I'm not a single girl you're trying to win back. I'm about to make a huge commitment and you need to get that in your head."

His eyes narrowed. "No."

My eyebrows went up. "What do you mean 'No'?"

"I won't let you." he said calmly and looked at me.

"I'm not asking for your permission Billie Joe." I sneered. "Who the fuck do you think you are?!"

"The man you're in love with." he said.

"I'm not in love with you!" I screamed. "I'm in love with Sebastian. What happened between us is in the past. I found someone I love and someone who I can be happy with so don't think you can just walk into my life and take it just like that."

"If you really loved him you wouldn't have kissed me back!" he yelled. I stood there, shocked. "Do you think I'm stupid? I know you love me!"

I couldn't take this anymore. "Get out." I said.


"Get. Out." I repeated. "Get out! Get out! Get out!"

I pushed him towards the door.


"Just get out!" I yelled. I pushed him out the door.


I shut the door before he could say anything more. I locked the door.

Knock knock. "Gloria. Gloria open up." Billie Joe called.

"Just leave! Leave me alone!" I yelled and ran to my room. I looked out the window to see if he would leave.

I saw him lean his head on the door and pound the door once more. He stepped back, turned around and left.

I sat on my bed and I held my face in my hands.

"Why did he have to come back to my life?" I whispered. "Why?"



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2013 ⏰

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