Chapter 1 ~ The Christmas Party

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The Christmas party at the Bistro had been planned weeks in advance. Steph and Andy had organised the whole thing, down to the last detail. Flyers were literally flying across the street, being blown away by the bitterly cold winter winds.

Steph entered the Rovers. She was wearing a black dress, but on top a green parka jacket with a scarf and a pair of thick gloves.
"Mighty chilly out there", she said as she took off her gloves at the bar.
"C'mon, its Weatherfield of course its going to be cold" said Michelle as she started to laugh and was closely followed by Steph. "Anyways, want a drink love?"
"No thanks Michelle, I'm just on my break from work. I was just wondering if you would have some of these leaflets"
"Yeah sure, ooh a Christmas party, sounds fun!"
"It's this Friday at 7, will you be there?"
"Count me in" said Michelle smiling.
"Anyways I better get back to work, Andy will be wondering where I am, but thanks Michelle", Steph said as she dashed out the door of the Rovers.

Across the road, Carla had just finished locking up the factory after a long day at work. All she wanted to do was see Nick, but today was Monday. The day he worked the late shift at The Bistro.
Carla was just approaching her flat when she felt 2 arms wrap around her waist like a ribbon.
"Ooh its you" Carla said, smiling
"Who else would it be?" Said Nick as he gently let her go and span her round.
"Ooh i dunno, Father Christmas" Carla said, as she started laughing at her own joke. Nick always found it adorable when she did this, but Carla didn't even know.
"Well, the Bistro was quiet and Steph and Andy had it under control so I thought I'd bring us some nice food and we could watch a film together or something"
"Mmmmm, sounds good, but can we go in now or I think I might die of hypothermia"
"Thought you'd never ask" said Nick. They both ran up the stairs, like 2 primary kids on sports day.

"What time is it" Nick asked, in a very sleepy voice.
"Time to get a watch" replied Carla, knowing that this always managed to crack him up.
"Time to get a new joke" said Nick now fully engaged in their conversation.
"It's 1:20"
"Should we go to bed?", Nick asked.
"Yes, Mr Sleepy Head" said Carla laughing at her own jokes, yet again. Soon enough Carla fell asleep. Nick liked to stare at her while she was asleep, admiring her beauty and radiance, even while she was sleeping. Carla often managed to merge onto Nick's side of the bed, so most nights Nick had to move Carla, gently back to her side. Normally it was no use so Nick just slept in his one quarter of the bed, but he didn't mind, he was with the women he loved.

Carla leant over Nick to see what the time was on the alarm clock. "NICK! Wake up!"
"What" Nick said, barely awake.
"It's 8 o'clock!"
"Can't you just take the day off?, we could put the decs up, go shopping and tonight's the Christmas party"
"Could do, y'know, but what about the Bistro, won't they need help setting up for the party?"
"I'm sure Steph & Andy will be fine"
"Okay, just text Leanne, and I will call Aidan. Carla looked at her phone. 3 missed calls from Aidan. Great, she thought.
"Hi Aidan, look I won't be in today, I've just got lots of stuff to sort out today but I'm sure you and Johnny can cope fine, thanks bye, and see you tonight at the party".
Carla ended the call without letting Aidan get a word in edgeways. "That's all sorted" said Carla, getting up out of bed.
"Wait, wait, wait wait. We both have the day off work and you want get out of bed at 8:15?" Said Nick, smiling at Carla.
"You dirty devil" Carla said as she jumped back into bed and pressed her lips against Nick's.

"Nick, seriously-" , Carla could barely say another word without laughing. Nick was tickling her in her weak spot. Her feet. She couldn't bare it any more and got out of bed, needing to catch her breath.
"I'm going to make us a coffee", she said. It was if she was acting drunk but she wasn't, she was just laughing hysterically while trying to say something. "Do you want some toast?" Carla said, this time managing to control her laughter.
"Toast?!, its more like time for afternoon tea love!" Said Nick laughing. Carla looked at her watch.
"Oh my, how is it 12:30 already?"
"Time flies when your having fun remember"
"Now go and get dressed" said Nick while quickly slapping Carla's arse.

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