Chapter 6 ~ Baby scan

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It had been 2 months since Nick and Carla had found out they were expecting. Everything was going perfectly.

Carla was sat in the factory office flicking through her ok magazine when she heard a knock on the door. "Come in" Carla yelled, turning the page of the magazine.
"Are you ready to go?" It was Nick, wearing a blue suit and a white shirt.
"Go where?" Carla asked.
"To the scan" Nick said surprised to see that Carla had forgotten.
"Oh yeah, lets go", she stated, picking up her handbag and flicking her hair.

They sat in the hospital corridor, hand in hand, waiting for their appointment. "I hate hospitals", Carla whispered.
"Same, they make me feel tingly" Nick whispered back to Carla.
"What are folk gonna think eh? Carla Connor with a baby bump? Carla Connor with a pram?" She laughed. Before Nick could even get a chance to reply, a petite women came into the corridor and said "Carla Connor".
"Yes, thats me, Carla replied as her and Nick followed the nurse into a room.

"This gel might feel a bit cold, sorry" laughed the nurse as she squirted a blob onto Carla's stomach. "Ahh its okay", Carla whispered. As the nurse placed the ultrasound scanner onto her stomach there was no noise. Silence from the machine. "Sorry, I'm just going to fetch my colleague quickly" the women said as she quickly dashed out of the room. Carla turned to Nick, who placed his hand on top of hers. Carla's eyes were full of worry and tears were slowly forming. "Okay, Mrs Connor I'm just going to have a look at your baby if thats alright with you", this time it was a man speaking. An old-ish man with a strong Scottish accent.

"Im so so sorry, Mrs Connor but theres no heartbeat present" the man said. Carla turned to Nick as a tear slowly rolled down her cheek. "Don't worry, its okay", Nick whispered as his eyes to started to form tears.
"Is this your second miscarriage?" , the nurse asked. Carla nodded. She couldn't produce any words from her mouth, she wanted to but she just couldn't.
"It is very likely that your womb is scarred and it is also very likely that you will not be able to carry throughout the whole pregnancy ", the nurse added. Carla looked at the nurse, eyes full of despair. She had just been told that she had lost the baby inside her and then she was told that she can never have children. Children were never going to part of the plan, until she got together with Nick. Nick was the only man who she truly wanted to have children with. Not Peter, Nick. All she wanted to do was to make up their own little family, but it had all been teared away from her in a matter of minutes.

"Does this mean its very unlikely she will fall pregnant again?", Nick asked, barely able to speak as the tears clogged his throat.
"Im afraid so, it is still possible though, just very unlikely" the nurse replied. "I will give you two some alone time" he added as she walked out of the room. Carla just cried in Nicks arms. Nick was devastated to, but he wanted to be strong for Carla. After about 5 minutes Carla stopped crying and whispered "Well maybe its just not meant to be eh"
"Everything's going to be okay, you heard what he said it is still possible for you to get pregnant" Replied Nick.
"Can we just go home please", She muttered.
"Course" Nick whispered Nick.

On the journey back the whole world went past them but theirs stood still. No words were mentioned either in the car or in the flat. Carla walked in the flat with tear stained cheeks. She flopped on the sofa and pulled over her favourite blanket. Nick came over sat right up close to her and put his arm around. "Carla, remember what you said to me before" He whispered, tears starting to clog his throat again.
"What?" Carla muttered.
"Whats just happened its huge, it is huge, and its unfair and screwed up" Nick said, managing to speak clearly. "And it doesn't matter that we might never have children, because you will always have me, i will love you Carla, forever and always" he added. And Carla just cried there, in his arms, losing count of the minutes they were there.

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