Chapter 9 ~ It's coming Nick

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Against all odds Carla's and Nick's baby was thriving. The 6 month scan had gone well and they had got a beautiful sonogram of the baby. They didn't want to find out the gender though, Carla and Nick wanted a surprise. Nick was convinced that whatever the gender was, it was going to be a footballer, given the power of the kicks.

"My back kills" Carla moaned as she stumbled out of the bedroom. "Remind me why men don't have to carry the baby" Carla said as she dropped down onto the sofa.
"It will be worth it though" Nick said, as he started to butter some toast. "I thought maybe today we could pop to B&Q and start buying bits to decorate the baby's room" He added, as he brought a plate of toast and a coffee over to Carla.
"Yeah okay, but what colour are we going to paint the walls?" She asked as she took a sip of the coffee.
"Well i guess white, yellow or brown" Nick replied.
"We are not painting it yellow, i am not having the baby thinking it lives in a buttercup farm thank you very much" laughed Carla.

Carla and Nick decided to go for an off white with a very light brownish feature wall. They had already bought a cot, a changing unit and a set of drawers, all in oak.

"Lets do it then" Carla stated as she came out of their bedroom in a baggy t-shirt and jogging bottoms.
"Carla Connor in joggers, well thats not something you see everyday" Nick laughed.
"Uh hm its Tilsley now, and I'm helping, I'm pregnant not an imbecile" Carla replied. "Anyways whats the worst that can happen?" Carla added.
"Do you seriously want me to answer that" laughed Nick.

Nick and Carla had just given the wall its final lick of paint.
"Not so bad, if even i do say so myself" Nick said as he pulled Carla in and placed one hand round Carla and one hand on her bump.
"I love you" he said.
"I love -" She stopped halfway through her sentence. "Arghhh" She yelled as she fell to the floor in agony.
"Carla?! What is it? Is it the baby?" He asked as he knelt down on the floor beside cradling her. "I think so" She yelled. "Nick its coming, the baby's coming" She whispered.
"But its to early" He said scratching his head.
"Can you just call an ambulance already" Carla yelled as sweat droplets started to form on her forehead.
"On it, and i will go fetch Michelle or someone, yeah?" Nick asked as he picked up his phone.
"No, dont leave me on my own" Carla whispered in and out of deep breaths.
"Alright baby, i'm here, i'm here" Nick said, stroking her hair.

"She says the ambulance will be about 20 minutes, but how far apart are the contractions?" Nick asked holding his phone to ear and the help booklet in the other.
"Oooh i don't know Nick, let me just get out my stopwatch eh" Carla snapped.
"She said that you should start pushing" Nick said.
"Wheres Michelle?" Carla asked, screaming in pain. Suddenly there was a loud knock at the door.
"Its me love" Michelle said.
"And the paramedics" she added. As Nick opened the door Michelle rushed in and quickly knelt down with Carla, and so did the paramedics.
"Its to early for labour, isnt it" Michelle stated.
"How many weeks are you gone Carla?" One of the paramedics asked.
"Only 27" Carla whispered, taking deep breaths.
"Okay, you're in labour Carla and we are going to take you to hospital because it is quite early and this could lead to complications. Is that okay" The other paramedic explained.
"Can Nick and Chelle and come with me?" Carla asked.
"Only 1 can fit in the ambulance im afraid" the paramedic answered.
"Nick, you go i will just pop back into the pub grab a few things and i will be up there as soon as i can, phone me" Michelle said as she stroked Carla's smooth locks.
"You're doing great darling" Michelle whispered, as she gave her a kiss on the forehead and dashed out of number 12.

"How's Carla?" Liz asked as Michelle walked in.
"She's gone into labour" Michelle replied, full of excitement and nervousness at the same time.
Ring Ring Ring. The Rover's bell chimes and the room soon falls silent.
"Listen up guys, I'm very happy to announce that Carla has just gone into labour, so soon we will hopefully have a Carla Or a Nick Jr in this world, I'm off to the hospital now, but i will keep Liz updated" Michelle beamed.
"I don't understand" Roy exclaimed as he walked up to the bar.
"Shes in labour Roy" Michelle answered as she picked up a few bits. "Im sure she would like you there, do you want to come with me?" Michelle added. Roy nodded.
"I just need to pop back to the cafe i have a few things i need to pick up" Roy insisted as he quickly rushed out of the pub and headed to the cafe.

"Okay Carla, you're doing great, i can see the baby's head, just one more push"
"I thought this would be a walk in a park, but it feels like I'm passing a bloody yoga ball" Carla yelled. This made Nick laugh. It was Carla's effortless sense of wit that made him love her so much.
"ARGHHHHH" Screamed Carla. Suddenly small delicate cries filled the room.
"Congratulations" the midwife said. "Its a little girl" She added. The midwife carefully wrapped her up in a towel and suddenly she was put in an incubator and wheeled away.
"No, where are you taking her?" Carla asked, voice full of desperation.
"Shes going to the neonatal unit, shes very premature" the midwife answered.
"Nick, you go with her, she cant be on her own" Carla ordered.
"No, I'm not leaving you" He said rubbing her arm.
"Heres your baby girl" the midwife said as she handed Nick and Carla a small picture.
"Shes ours Nick, our little girl" She whispered as she began to cry. But for the first time in her whole entire life, they weren't tears of sadness or fear, they were tears of happiness and excitement, because she had just given birth to a beautiful baby girl.

"A lady said it was okay to come in"
Carla looked up to see Michelle's little head popping out of the corridor.
"Come in love" Carla muttered as she propped herself up against the backboard of the bed.
"I hope you don't mind me coming"
This time it was Roy's voice.
"Don't be daft Roy" Carla beamed.
"Shes in intensive care" Nick said, looking at Michelle and Roy.
"She!" Announced Michelle. "Its a girl" Michelle added. Carla nodded, while a smile started to grow on her face.
"I brought this for the baby" Roy stated as he dug his hand into his bag. He pulled out a tattered teddy bear, with a red and green tartan bow around its neck. "It was Hayley's favourite" Roy started. "She told me that if you were ever to have a child, then i should give this to you" He added as he handed it to Carla.
"Its lovely Roy, thank you. I'm going to tell her all about Hayley, don't you worry" Carla said as tears started to clog her throat but she managed not to show it.
"Does mum know?" Nick asked, as Michelle perched herself on the edge of Carla's bed.
"Yeah, i announced it in the pub before i came, she said she was going to pop in but i said that you will keep her updated" Michelle explained.
"Thanks, don't mind if i make the phone call now do you Carla?" Nick asked, holding her fragile hand.
"I need to phone Liz and all" Michelle added.
"Go on, make it quick though" Carla laughed as she gestured for Nick and Michelle to both go out of the room.

Ring Ring Ring Ring. The Rovers bell chimed.
"Ive just had Michelle on the phone" Liz began. About 25 pairs of beady eyes looked at her and the room fell so silent you could hear a pin drop.
"Carla's had a little baby girl, shes small but if shes got any Carla in her, she'll pull through" joked Liz. "So lets raise a glass, to Carla and Nicks baby"

"To Carla and Nicks baby" the pub echoed.

A/N - I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thank you for reading x Please Vote and Comment if you liked it xx

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