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it had been 2 weeks since I went to Mikey's house and I was still thinking about what happened. it just didn't make sense to me.
"hey bitchacho" Michael yelled in my ear. I turned around and slapped his stomach; he winced.
"don't do that" I said, looking up at him.
"whatever baby you still love me," he said sarcastically
I just looked at him for a moment still thinking about him. I didn't know if he was safe at home and god I was worried
"what's your deal Ash? actually- nevermind. you just can't resist my good looks. anyways, since it's Friday I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tomorrow and go drive to San Francisco?"
"okay, sure. what are we going to do there though?"
"I haven't figured that part out yet."
I brushed my long, shit brown hair out of my face as the wind picked up. I was standing outside of my house waiting for Michael to pick me up. he said he'd be here at noon and me being the way I am, I was outside at 11:45. I waited 15 minutes and he pulled up to the curb right as the clock on my phone changed from 11:59 to 12:00.
I got into the passenger seat and breathed in the sweet scent of the car. I turned to look at him but he was already looking at me. our eyes met and I looked away because I'm awkward as hell.
"I figured out what we're gonna do today"
we drove for half an hour blasting Drake songs until we pulled up to the biggest mall in San Francisco. I looked up at the massive structure and then looked at Michael and he was staring at me, obviously waiting for me to say something. I stayed silent.
"we're going to Hot Topic!" he yelled with a lot of enthusiasm
"oh my god yes please!" I yelled back.
I didn't even know there was a hot topic in this mall. he ran into the the entrance and I followed after him. when I caught up to him he stopped dead in his tracks and I slammed straight into his back. he was staring at the ginormous Hot Topic, his smile growing bigger by the second.
"let's go!" I basically screamed.
he went to look at the hair dye and I looked at the body jewellery.
I was reaching for a ring for septum piercings as he yelled "ASHLEY" over the loud music playing through the speakers. I went over to him and he was holding 3 different bottles of hair dye.
"pink, green or red?" he said
I looked at the bottles, then his hair, then the bottles again. I noticed that his hair was bleached blond, not naturally blond. he had some very light brown roots forming. after a minute or so of thinking, I said red.
"I was hoping you would say that! I think I'd look good right?"
"you'd be Clifford the big red dog"
"nO!" he started wheezing and doubled over laughing.
Michael bought 2 bottles of red dye and I bought the septum ring I was eyeing before and a set of 12 earrings. as we were walking out the door he looked at my bag and then back at me.
"you don't have any piercings though..?"
I paused for a second until I tucked my hair behind my ears and revealed the 3 holes on my left ear and the 2 on my right. he just stared with his mouth gaping open.
"you'll catch flies in you mouth doing that," I said continuing to point at the cartilage of my ear and showing him my blue titanium stud.
"you're so hard core I just-"
I started giggling until he asked me "but don't they.. like... hurt?"
I thought for a second until I said "only when you get them pierced, after that, not so much"
he just said "that's so punk rock. do you have any more?"
"I have my septum pierced too"
he didn't say anything
I looked at his ears and the asked him if he wanted any piercings. he told me he just wanted regular ear lobe piercings
"there's a Claire's here you know...." I said grinning up at him
a smile started forming on his face until he said "I'll race you there."

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