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"why the fuck am I even here?" I thought to myself.
"omg no"
"I wonder when Mrs. Carlson lost her virginity"
all these things were passing through my mind as I sat at the back of the class drawing on my desk.
"does anyone know how fast light travels? anyone?"
"hella" I whispered to myself, actually smiling for the first time today.
"Ms. Frangipane, do you have something to say?"
I exhaled and shook my head no.
it wasn't that I was shy or anything, I just didn't like talking. it was only 10:43 am and I was already done with this class. I put my head down onto my desk and took a 5 minute nap before the bell rang. at least the next class I had was creative writing, which was the least shitty class I had.
I went to room 93 and sat in my seat, at the back of the class. our teacher was just talking about her dogs and wasting time when this 6'3 giant knocked on the door.
"hi, is this room 93?" said the tall boy at the door.
"yes it is" our teacher replied with a smile, "come in dear, what's your name?"
he hit his head on the doorframe while coming in and I couldn't help but laugh a little bit.
"I'm Michael Clifford. I'm new here"
"well Mr. Clifford, you're a bit late! school starts at 8:00 at its 11:14 now"
"I know, I'm just not used to the time difference and I overslept"
"well, take your seat. there's an empty desk right there next to Ashley!"
I shifted uncomfortably as the strange, but polite, boy came closer and finally plopped down next to me
he looked at me and mouthed a "hello"
I didn't want to be rude so I mouthed "hi" back at him
20 fucking minutes had passed and I still felt him looking at me
"what's your deal?" I whispered to the blond boy.
"you seem interesting" he whispered back, looking away.
well shit
"lunch is in 10 minutes, wanna go to McDonald's?" he suggested
I didn't have plans or anything so I nodded my head yes.
this was gonna be something. I didn't know what, but something.

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