05 - Captured

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My fingers run along the edge of the door of the room the Calaveras had thrown us in. Malia, Kira, and Scott had been unconscious when we were dragged into the room, only Stiles awake when we were put in here. I could feel his gaze on me when I was pretending to be unconscious when I was dragged in by my arms. He nearly had a heart attack when I jumped up once I heard the door shut and knew they were gone.

The seal of the door is so tight that there must be the only way to move it on the other side. Behind me, I hear Kira and Malia start to wake up. I ignore them and their hushed whispers to Stiles about who I am. There was only two things on my mind right now that I was worried about; getting all of out of here alive, and finding Lydia.

As soon as I had jumped to my feet before, I noticed the old bathroom they had locked us in and that Lydia was nowhere to be found. I crouch down on the ground, fishing my dagger out of my boot. I stick it in between the door and the wall that meet.

"Who's that?" Kira lowly whispers to them.

"Isn't she that one girl who is staying with Parrish?" Stiles says.

I continue to ignore them, searching for a weak spot in the door.

"He's awake. Guys, he's awake." Kira quickly says.

I glimpse over my shoulder to see the three of them rush over to Scott, who is starting to wake up. I run the tip of the dagger down the door until I hit the lock.

"Scott, you okay?" Stiles asks.

"Yeah. They don't have him." Scott answers. "They don't have Derek."

I bite down on my lip. If they don't have Derek then where the hell is he?

"We know." Kira places her hand on his shoulder when I glimpse at them. "But, right now, they've got Lydia."

"Lydia? What do they want with Lydia?"

I yank my dagger out of the door, sighing. "They want to use her for her banshee power." I say to them without spinning around.

The whole room turns quiet. I peer at the door, trying to figure out how to open it. There must be someway to escape from this room. My back heats up from their gazes behind me.

"Alright. Who the hell are you?" Malia snaps.

"I'm the one here to save your asses." I place one hand on my hip, while sliding my dagger back in my boot. The four of them stare at me, clearly taken aback from my tone. I ignore the massive temptation to just tell them who I am, but spin back around to focus on the door. I faintly remember Allison saying I couldn't tell them who I was, but if they guess on their own then that would be a great loophole.

If anyone can figure something out, it's Stiles.

"You're staying with Parrish, right?" Scott slows climbs to his feet behind me.

I slide my fingers over the wall beside the door. My fingers press down into the scratches and small dents in the wall from the previous people stuck inside this room. "Yes."

"I'm Scott."

I roll my eyes, but keep my back turned so he can't see the small action. I just want to scream at him that I know who he his, that he knows who I am. I swallow my comments. "Claire."

Scott walks up beside me, checking out the door. "Have you figured a way out?"

I simply shake my head. "No, they definitely want to keep us- and whoever they capture- inside. I'm assuming that this place is werewolf proof."

"Wha-" Scott starts to stumble.

I hold up a finger. "It's cool. I know all about the supernatural."

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