Chapter 8

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  Hands shoved into her pockets, she walked around the streets of Suna, greeting anyone she knew or anyone who greeted her.

  'Why did they have to come back? Just when I'm settled down into my new life style.' Sakura thought annoyed as she tried to cool down.

  'You always knew they were going to come back. You just chose to ignore and deny.' A voice replied in her head.

  Sakura frowned. 'Anyways, better check our surroundings, you can never be too careful.

  'Ah. Even though we've been here many times already?' Inner Sakura agreed, giggling.

  As the pink haired kunoichi walked down the sandy roads of Suna, her mind flashed back into her memories.

  The two lied on the soft sand, panting trying to catch their breaths. She turned to the man beside her who had his arms behind his head and eyes closed, looking at peace. "Thank you for training me Gaara-sama."

  Gaara opened an eye and faced her with a small shy smile on his lips. "It's the least I could do for you after you saved my life along with my brother and many of the citizens and shinobi of Suna." He frowned slightly. "And how many times do I have to tell you to call me just Gaara?"

  "Many." Was his response, quickly followed by a giggle. A comfortable silence followed quickly as they watched the sun set into the horizon.

  "I better get back to my room, I need to get up early tomorrow to train the medics. Goodbye Gaara-"

  "Wait!" The redhead said in a voice louder and colder than he intended. "Wait," He repeated again softly. Sakura's emerald eyes softened, knowing he's trying his best. "Would you like to have lunch with me?" He stumbled slightly over his words. "Tomorrow?" The former jinchuriki diverted his eyes from hers, a cute blush on his cheeks.

  "Sure!" Haruno answered in shock of the Kazekage asking her to lunch. 'Did he just ask me on a lunch date?' Sakura thought, the tip of her ears turning red at the thought.

  Gaara gave a small smile. "I will wait for you outside the hospital after your shift. It ends at noon am I correct?"

  Sakura nodded, blushing. "So like a date?" She mumbled.

  "Yes, like a date." He confirmed.

  "I'm sorry Miss!" A voice cried out in surprised. Sakura blinked before smiling at the little girl that had just bumped into her.

  "It's okay." She responded before walking along, her thoughts back into the memory of Gaara and herself.

  Months passed by quickly. The Kazekage and the Cherry Blossom of Konoha has been going out for months now. Sakura sighed putting down her finished notes. Looking at the clock, she smiled to herself. Gaara and her are having another lunch date.

  She stood up, getting ready to leave before the door suddenly opened. Her hands were on the kunai in her pouch before she realised it was only Gaara. She let out a relieved sigh.

  "Gaara-kun! I thought we were meeting outside the restaurant..." She trailed off when her boyfriend got onto one knee. Her emerald eyes widened as she watched him take out a black box and opening it.

  "Will you marry me, Haruno Sakura?"

  Sakura felt like her heart was in her throat, she didn't she could breath or say a thing. A big smile soon formed on her lips. "Yes! Yes!" She jumped and hugged her now fiance tightly. She felt a pair of arms snake around her form.

  "I'm glad." The two words were whispered by her ear. She blinked, trying to blink back tears. Before she could say anything in reply, a big rumble erupted throughout the Kazekage's tower, screams of terror quickly followed.

  They released each other before running out only to see two figures in cloaks of black decorated with red clouds.

  "Akatsuki." Gaara growled out, words laced with venom. Sakura stood still beside her, only giving a nod of acknowledgement to Matsuri who came running with several backups. Matsuri gave back a forced nod. She was jealous that it wasn't her who captured Gaara's heart. But that doesn't matter right now.

  The one with an orange mask waved at them. "Hello! Come play with Tobi! Tobi is lonely! Come Jinjuriki! Cherry Blossom! Tobi is a good boy!"

  "Shut up, yeah." The person beside him with yellow hair grumbled with annoyance before turning to them. "Well look what we have here? Kazekage, or former Jinjuriki and the Huntress!"

  Sakura stiffened.

Sorry for the late update! I still have a few more assessments left to do, maths and science. I suck at science so I need to revise... But I'm writing chapter 9, I'm half way through the chapter already so it should be done soon! I've been starting to draw again too, follow me on dA or Instagram, apple12350. Thank you for reading!

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