Pixels of white light descend upon our brothers and I.
A beam of faith draws my strict attention towards the alluring sky.
Vision is momentarily fixated on such a godly high.
Driving forward, found in prayer, feeling as if I could fly.
The flight of a martyr on his search for salvation.
Finding the truth and evading aggravation.
Letting go of selfishness and reaching out to jubilation.
Allowing my spirit to begin its manifestation.
Growing and absorbing the light which seeps through these clouds.
A dreamy portrait of vibrancy speaking aloud.
Telling us to practice the principles to which we have vowed.
No longer letting fear paralyze such a faithful crowd;
For we are holy creatures utilizing brain and brawn.
Responding to God's gifts at the crack of dawn.
Doing life together instead of playing the pawn.
Awaking to fluorescent treetops, now yesterday's worries are gone.By: Dayne M. Rohn