Entry 1

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Authors Note:

Hey guys thanks for reading this! I really hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it :) So I wrote this at school for an English Enrichment project on refugees and thought I would upload it as my first story. I will update at least twice a week, and it won't take long as it is just a diary. Also they won't be chapter's just entries.

Enjoy! Please comment!

Love Caitlin xx


Dear Diary

Today is the 2nd of April 2003. It's my 14th birthday and I got this beautiful diary from Baba and Mama. The war is really bad here is Gardez in Pakitya - there was a big bombing by the Taliban a few days ago, but luckily the house is still standing. We don't have much money at the moment. Baba lost his job at the farm last year when it was raided by the Taliban soldiers. We are living the best we can, my little brother Amjal and I still go to our town's school, though it isn't much of a school. Mama is always saying I need to be brave for him, because I'm the older one, but it sucks. My best friend's family is even worse off than ours. His Baba's job was lost at the beginning of the war and he had to go fight with the American soldiers, so it is just him, his Mama, and his three sisters Ghezal, Karim and Camila. I feel so sorry for him; he doesn't know where is father is, and has to be the man of the house at only 14! We have been best friends since we could talk, our Mama's used to be like sisters, and they lived next door to each other as kids like we do now.

You have no idea how hard it is keeping my Christian faith a secret. But it isn't an option to let anyone find out. Who knows, I could be kidnapped and tortured for it. I have no idea how my parents found this diary with all of its bible verses in it. It must have been impossible, then the risks involved... I will never let it out of my sight. Sorry, but I better go now, we are having a family dinner.

I promise to write as often as I can, to keep you up to date with everything that is going on at the moment.

Love Tahira


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