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"Maya do we have to go?!" I groan.

Maya wanted to take me out to a lounge for my 21st birthday. I was perfectly fine with me staying home and my parents forgetting my birthday, like always.

"Yes we do because I'm not letting you stay home just so our parent can forget about your birthday, again," Maya explains.

I hesitatingly stood up and looked at myself in the mirror.

"This is too sexy for me," I complain.

"Sexy is good when you're going to a lounge,"

"Ughhhhh," she pulls me out of the window and takes me to her car.

"Avenue Night Club here we come!"

I playfully roll my eyes at her. I appreciate her taking me out....but I wasn't really in the mood. For the whole ride I stared out the window, nervous about what was going to happen.

"We're here!" Maya squeals.

"Yay," I say sarcastically. I don't really want to be here. I rather be at home devouring a pint of chocolate ice cream and watching Netflix honestly. Maya drags me out of the car and takes me to the line of people waiting to get in. You can hear the loud music from outside. I take a deep breath trying to relief myself from all of this stress I've been having.

"Lighten up a bit. I mean it's just a place where people go to dance," Maya says nudging me in my stomach. I groan. As we wait on line I look around. I see everyone talking and getting excited to enter the club. My eyes lay on a particular person. He has light brown hair and forest green eyes. He looks about my age.

"Riley!" Maya yells in my ear, waving her hand in my face to get my attention.

"Oh yea. What?"

"We're going in," she says

My eyes widen. I hesitatingly start walking. When we enter I instantly get the smell of alcohol and sweaty bodies. My nose starts stinging because of the alcohol.

"Let's go have some fun," Maya says.

I decide to let loose. I mean it was my birthday and I'm officially and adult.
I guess I should have some fun. Maya takes me to the bar and orders me a shot.

"What is it?" I yell in her ear so she can hear me.

"It's a Jell-O shot. It's strawberry and here's and Cherry Bomb," she says in my ear.

"Oh ok," I chug it down and Maya watches me as I take my first shit of the night.

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