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The night was heated. I was dancing by myself, with Maya, and other random people that were drunk. So far Maya told me that I've had 5 Jello Shots, 3 Cherry Bombs, a few Red Headed Sluts, and I don't know what else.

"Hey! I'll be right back. I have to use the lady's room," she stated in my ear.

"Ok!" I yell. I continued dancing. I randomly grabbed someone and started dancing with them.

"Hey! What's your name?," he asks me, whispering in my ear.

"Riley, you?" I yell.

"Lucas," he says. "You wanna go outside and talk?" He asks me.

"Sure," I reply. I didn't really know what was going on but I knew that I needed some fresh air.

Lukie, Lucas I don't know and I went outside to "talk". I didn't really know what he meant by "talk" but I just went along with it.

"So where are you from?" He asks me while we start walking down the street.

"New York. You?"


"Ooooo. I've always wanted to go there! What's it like?!?" I ask him getting all excited and jumpy. He laughs.

"Uh. It's pretty amazing. I mean the stars are amazing. I miss it,"

"Oh, so why'd you move here?"

"Well my dad got a promotion for his job and we had to move when I was in seventh grade. And now I'm going to college in NYU this fall semester,"

"Ohh. Me too! So are you a freshman...sophomore?"

"Uh sophomore. I was behind a year so I'm 22. What about you?"

"Umm... I'm a sophomore and I'm 21. My best friend Maya took me out for my birthday today,"

"Ohhh. Well happy birthday."


We walked in silence for a moment. Awkwardness filled the air. From the corner of my eye I see Lucas starting me from top to bottom.

"Take a picture, it lasts longer," I laugh.

I trip on a bump on the side walk. At this moment I thought that I would fall right on my face and embarrass myself. I close my eyes, trying to prepare for this moment of embarrassment. Instead I felt a hand on my waist, keeping me from falling. I open my eyes and look up. Lucas caught me. I quickly get up.

"Thanks," I blush.

"No problem. Anytime,"

I smile and he returns it.

"Wanna stop at a corner store? I'm kinda hungry," he questions me.

"Yea but let's hurry I'm getting cold," I say rubbing my arms, trying I keep myself warm.

"Oh here take my jacket," he says taking it off.

"Oh no then you're gonna get cold," I say refusing to take his jacket.

"No really. Here," he wraps his jacket around my shoulders.

"Thanks," I blush.

We went to the corner store and got two bags of chips and two sodas. He also got airheads bites. He payed and we went outside.

"Thanks for the chips and soda," I say thanking him.

"No problem," he replies. I smile. He returns it.

We headed back to the club after a few. I actually like this guy.

"Hey  um can I get your phone number just in case you wanna hang out some time?" He asks me.

I bite my lip. Should I give my number to someone I barely know. I mean people always meet new people.

"Yea sure," I say.

He takes out his phone and I punch in my number.

"Uh my phone is with Maya. Do you have a pen?" I ask him

"Umm.... Oh yea it's in my jacket," he says pointing to it. He goes for the inside pocket where my arm was. I lift my arm up and he digs in the pocket near my waist. He takes it out.

"Here it is."

I reach my arm out.

"Write it on my arm," I say smiling. He writes his number on my arm. I laugh and pull my arm away.

"Sorry that tickles," I say laughing. He smiles. I reach my arm out again and he finishes writing his number.

"Nice meeting you Riley..."

"Matthews. Riley Matthews," I answer biting my lip.  "Nice meeting you too Lucas..."


"Well it's good to meet you Lucas Friar."

"You too Riley Matthews," he says walking away. He goes back into the club and I remembered his jacket.

"Hey your jacket!" I scream. It was no use. He'd already gone back inside. I bite my lip again. I smell his jacket. His smells so nice. I walk back inside with a big smile on my face. I go back to my lounge and see Maya searching like crazy. I sit next to her.

"Riley! Oh my God!" She says hugging me tightly. "Don't scare me like that! Where were you?!?"

I smile. "I was with someone."


"A boy named Lucas," I start blushing hard.

"Ooooohhhhh. I see you," she smirks. I blush even more.

"Stop.." I couldn't take the smile off my face. "Can we go home now. I'm getting tired," I yawn.

"Not yet. I have a surprise for you. It should be coming any minute now," she says with an evil smile on her face. I furrow my eyebrows.

"Everyone give it up for Riley Matthews it's her birthday today!" The DJ says. My eyes widen as everyone cheers.

"Let's sing her Happy birthday in 3..2..1.  Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you.  Happy birthday dear Riley. Happy birthday to you!" Everyone sings loudly. I smile widely. Then someone comes out and brings me a cake. I put my hands over my mouth. I blow out the candles. I cut the cake and take a bite. Maya gets frosting and puts it all over my face.

"Maya," I groan. "Every year."

"Happy birthday honey," she says smiling.

"Here I'll help you with that,"

I turn around and see Lucas. I laugh. He takes the napkin and wipes my face. I feel butterflies. Oh no, do have a crush on him? And this fast?!? Last time that happened it ended in a disaster. Riley no. You can't fall for this guy. At least not yet.

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