My story

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"You might as well get comfortable-It's a long story." I sigh."and please don't interfere unless it's very very important." I add.

Harry nods and mutters "go on".

Here goes nothing...... Or everything.

"The flight after the night of your second performance on X factor. That's when it started..... I was flying back to London. You know that-right? So anyway.-The plane crashed. Everyone was either dead or injured. The crash was just- I-I-I don't k-know-." I put my head in my hands as I start crying again. I feel like a baby-The sight of so many  dead or injured people always makes me sick.I HATE it. It was just sooo-ugh, sick.

"It was horrible....I can't explain it.So many people were bleeding. Others had fainted. I just got a little bruised when the plane started shaking violently. People flew in all directions. I-I-It couldn't have been worse. That sight has inhabited it self in my brain. Then I lost conscience. For one and a half year I was in a comma, from shock."

'What? " Harry gasped. His face held the expression of unregistered shock.

"Hazza, told you not to interrupt!" I said, shaking my head. I wasn't angry though.....just wanted to get over with this horrible story.

"Sorry-its just - I-I didn't know that you were in a coma. I was just shocked and in a coma for  one and a half year... that's just...ugh!"

"Okay...that was the main part. Ever since I have nightmares every night-.the plane crash. And as if that isn't enough I have this cut scar-." I said pulling up my sleeve to reveal a long jagged scar which stretched from my thumb's nail to the upper part of my arm. Harrys eyes widened.

"That looks bad.....Must've hurt a lot. " Harry says, his fingers tracing it lightly.

"It does. Ive gotten used to it though. Dont look so worried...Its nothing really." I exclaim. "So anyway......I bought this flat after getting up from the coma. I sell paintings for a living now days, and I work as a babysitter and I volunteer at orphanages. And I've written a book. Im not sure its good though. I've  shown it to a publisher . I've got soo many copys. I need an opinion though-and im not sure who to ask, just to help me a bit. My life is pretty much normal now-excet for the nightmares and my best friend." I added laughing.

"How about me and the boys give you an honest opinion on the book?" Harry asks, eyebrows raised.

"What!" I squeel excitedly. "Do you think that you can do that?"

"Nope" Harry exclaims "I don't."

My face falls.

"I know that I can do that!" Harry adds.

"Yes!!" I yell jumping around. "Thank you thank you thank you!" I yell hugging him." THANKS HAZ!"

I take out five copies of the book and hand it to him.

"I illustrated it too. Remember honest opinions!"

" turned into Dr Suess. I've better get going now....See ya tomorrow "

"Are you coming tomorrow then?" I ask.

"Duh-you're like my sister, and I gotta catch up you know." He says getting up." Where are your paintings?"

"They used to be all over the flat-but i just repainted so-um-.yeah." I sighed nodding,"they'll be back tomorrow. I have a busy morning tomorrow. Not as busy as you though."

His phone rings. He looks up at me and excuses himself. I can't help hearing him as he talks on the phone.

"Hey, Yeah. I- I told you. No, Paul, I- Just- I'm fine." He says, somewhat pissed off." No, just. I'm not a baby, I can handle myself. No, just, STOP, I told you I'm sorry. I- Its was just important. Just stop. No, no. Bye."He shuts the phone and looks at me.

"Did I get you into too much trouble?" I ask. He shakes his head and shrugs.

"It's my fault. But it doesn't matter,"

"What if you get kicked out of one direction?" I say, somewhat worried.

He smirks," I'll  move in with you and we can sell paintings together." I chuckle.

"Okay, now I have a seroius question if you dont mind. Why didn't you contact were alive and I deserved to know that, right?" Harry's green  blue eyes stare right into mine.

"Yeah..but how could I inform you?"

"There is a thing in this world called social media." He says, rolling his eyes.

"Haz, you arent a unknown baker school boy any more. You're Harry Styles. Everyone knows you. There are thousands of fans on instagram and twitter, you changed your kik and your number. You wouldn't even notice my message. You-!" I exclain angrily. "Dont blame it on me-Haz, its not my fault."I say shaking my head.

"You could've visited Mom, you know."He sighs.

"I-I thought that - you didn't need me. Nobody needed me. It would be wierd and awkward if I just walked up to you after dissappearing. You were over it, everyone was over it."

"No, I wasn't, Meg. I wasn't. all those days I had no one to talk to. Well, I could talk to somebody, but it isn't like talking to you. With you, even just talking is fun- and natural. Its like I could tell you about everything, you'd understand. You wouldn't judge me."

I smile and reach out for his hand and squeeze it.

"But it's okay.You're here now." He says softly.

His phone beeps.

"Okay, I need to go. I'll be here tomorrow." Haz says as he walks towards the door."Bye Meg!" He walks off.

I lay down on the sofa and close my eyes. My brown hair was messily tangled.  Wow.....what just happened?

There is a loud knock on the door. I lazily get up and drag myself to the door. Who in the world is awake at this time. I'm not feeling like serving guests unless it's Haz  which it probably isn't cause he just left.

"Can't a girl be left alone for a minute ." I mumble as I open the door. Harry's there.

"Nice joke" I smile.

"What?" Harry asks.

"You told me you'd  be back tomorrow and you are. Past midnight" I laugh showing him my watch. He smirks.

"Wow....Im so funny I don't even know my own jokes....if that makes sense. Anyway, I was here to ask you abou you're social media sites, number and all so we can keep in touch, can you also please call a taxi cause I just cannot stand outside in the middle of the's dangerous. Im no unknown baker boy, Remember?" Harry smirks.

"HaHaha" I laugh as I open the door wide. "Come sites might take a while. I can drive you back. Coffee?"

Harry smiles as he walks back in "Okay, and coffee "

A/N: Yasss! This is one of my fave chaps. Ill try to update as often as least once a week. Already started book 2 tho. I know......Lame

A/N 2.0; This chap took so much longer to edit but I love it so much.

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