Chap 8...... Meeting 1D

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After a five minute drive , I pulls over at a guarded gate. A guard walks over and sees Harry. Harry says something to him and he nods. The door opens and we drive through.

"Now he'll let you through whenever you want." He smiles. I nod wearily.

"Ummmm....Hazza." I mutter.


"Im scared."

Harry looks up at me and smiles." Hey, there's nothing to worry about. Thousands of girls want to meet them everyday. You have a chance and you're scared? " I can tell he's joking.

"This isn't a time for jokes" I say angrily, stopping the car. Harry nods

"Don't worry Meg. They're no big deal. They are just like every other human, OK. Don't fret, It'll be me."

I nod, but am not convinced. Hazza sighs and says "Hey, they are my friends you know. You know I wouldn't befriend mean people right? "

"Yeah, bu-"

"Would I?" Harry interrupts sternly. I shake my head and mutter 'no'.

Harry smiles and gets off. I get tense...Where did he go? He comes to my door and says "Hey, I'll drive. I don't want you to crash from nervousness or something. " I nod gratefully and get off, walking to the passengers seat. I still feel very tense.

 I start playing with my hands when Harry exclaims "We are here!!!" I look out of the window and see something which almost gives me a heart attack. Its HUGE. I probably look as surprised as I feel.....but that doesnt matter. Its not a house, its a mansion. A massive mansion. I probably look like Hazza  when he saw me in the crowd, I really feel like that.

" Wow.......that's collosal" I gasp.

"Really?" Hazza chuckles. I nod.

"Hazza, I'm still scared. " Hazza nods, looking really frustrated and annoyed.

" Hey, tell me what are you afraid why are you scared of meeting one direction? They won't hurt you or anything"

"Well, what if they hate me.....dislike me?"

" Really....The Meghan I knew never cared about what other people thought. She just shook it off, remember."

"Yeah....maybe I am over reacting. Lets go. " I say. He smiles as we both get off the car.

I see the guys in a distance, talking or something. They see us and come running over.

"Hey guys." Liam pants when he joins us. The others do the same.

"Hi" I laugh and so does Harry.

" Now where are those paintings Ive been waiting ages to see?" Zayn asks when his phone starts ringing. He takes it out and sighs.

"Gotta get this....Simon.  Don't  start without me! " He says walking away as he picks the phone.

"So, Meg you are really  a great writer" Liam smiles.

"Agreed!" Niall and Louis chirp.

"I mean like, I've barely read any books......but yours is really nice. If I could find such books, I'd read more than go to nando's!" Niall laughs. I smile. My fear if 1D is shrinking faster than I could ever imagine.

"Yeah....He is right. but I have a suggestion.....Do a one direction Cameo and a scene with carrots!" Louis says, scratching his chin thoughtfully.

"Good idea. I'll think about it." I laugh.

"Hey,what about my gift? "Harry asks. I nod.

"Well, Ill set up your present and the paintings on the peeking!" I say walking off.I take out  all the paintings and set it carefully on the grass. Next I do Hazzas present. After I'm done, I walk around the car going to call them. I see them all arguing so I step back, not wanting to interrupt them. I go back and start setting up the paintings again....but I cannot ignore their yells.


"Harry, stop screaming, She'll hear you! " That was Liam.

"YOU CAN NOT MAKE HER DO IT, SHE'S NOT A PUPPET ON A STRING! CALL SIMON AND TELL HIM NOO!" Hazza again. I can tell they are talking about me and I  just wish the Earth would swallow me whole.

"Be quiet Harry....maybe if you hadn't jumped off stage maybe this wouldn't have happened! " Zayn. My heart is sinking. Puppet on strings?  Are they gonna use me for an act?

"I HAD T-TOO! YOU JUST DON'T GET IT DO YOU? YOU ALL ARE SOO MEAN. I HA-" Hazzas voice cracks then and I hear loud sobs. They think I can't hear them? The whole of London can probably hear them.

"Harry... come ba-"Louis.

" No, Just Leave ME ALONE!!!" Hazza yells.

" Guys, stop it. Meghan will be out in a couple of seconds. Hold yourselves  together.....Harry will be back. Its only for one evening anyway. If he doesn't show up it'll only make it worse for Meg."Niall

"Wait, let me text him that." Liam.

They expect me to  come out in a few seconds. I take a few deep breathes to pull myself together like I do after every nightmare. Then I walk out , my emotionless mask worthy of an Oscar. I am kind of glad hazza isn't here. He is the only one who sees right through the emotionless mask.

"Hey guys, come and see the paintings." I say. They all turn and follow me.

"Wheres Hazza?" I mumble.  They all look at each other nervously.

" the house" Liam says.

"Getting some rest..." Niall adds.

" And a glass of water" Louis says uncertainly.

"Lets see the paintings?" Zayn suggests

"Um yeah." I mutter.

"I hear that they're great" Louis agrees

I show them all the paintings one by one, and either they all are really good actors, or they really like my paintings. After a while, we have sorted all the paintings into gallery and not gallery. There's still no sign of Hazza. I feel really sad cause I worked really hard on his present...but I don't complain.

After a while, while I am talking to the guys who are still very awkward around me, I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around to face a very wary looking Harry with puffy red eyes,

"Missed me?" He mutters.

"Yeah" I smile.

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