Chap 6...... Next Day

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It's going faster now. Faster and faster. I grasp the seat in front of me. People are too busy to notice. Well, of course, there is nothing unusual, is there? Its just a normal flight....relax Cammie. Hazza's probably ib Xfactor. I better see that episode when i get to America or he'll kill me. My palms are sweaty. All of a sudden the plane starts bouncing around. Oxygen masks fall. People start getting thrown around. I slide off the seat and cut my hand on the process. People are already sdead. The plane tilts violently and goes down vertically. We are all gonna die. This is the end. Goodbye world. My eyes close. I am in a comma.

I clutch the bedcovers and take deep breaths. my palms and face is dripping with sweat. Tears are streaming from my eyes. I glance at the alarm clock. 6:30. Time to get up. I've got a lot to do anyway.

Im done with everything I had planned to do. I've redecorated my house, went on my walk and got art supplies from the shops and breakfast was long done. I can't believe what happened yesterday.....I think as I walk down the hall towards my flat. There is a small commotion in down in the corridor. I sigh as I struggle my way through. It's nothing do with me. It's none of my business.

"Meg!" I hear a voice say. I spin around, scanning the crowd. It sounded like Haz but why would he be here? I shrug absentmindedly as I return to my flat, plopping all the stuff on the sofa and sigh. What an imagination. It was probably cause I was thinking about what happened at the concert. I quickly put on another T-shirt on top of my current one cause I don't want to mess it up with paint. I start on my first painting. I play some music and sing along.

Its 'Strong' by 1D cuz why not? Singing along, I dance around. The music is so loud that I cant hear a thing except it. Then I hear someone banging the door. I mute the music and rush to the door. As I open it I can see a crowd of people gathered around it. In the middle is Haz.He looks worn out and his hair is ruffled. He struggles to leave the grasp of the girls around the door as he comes in. I quickly pull him in and close the door. He goes and falls on the sofa.

"Rough morning?" I ask, going back to my painting.

"Yup, horrible." He mumbles, making a face.

"Did you were forget that you're kind of a big deal?"

"Yeah-kind of. Wow-are these you're paintings? You've gotten so much better, and I didn't know that was even possible. I'm still trash at art I guess"

"Thank you."

"Hey, Zayns good at art. I was planning to get you to get the boys to know you or vice versa. I'll bring them here if its OK."

"Well. Of course its fine by me, but all those fan girls outside? What about them?"

Harry frowns." Ugh....Can you get the paintings in the car?"

"They already are, " I shrug.

"They are-Why?" Harry asks.

"Well, repainting, remember?"

"Oh yeah-anyway what are you working on? Wait-I-I-is that the wi-willow? Our willow tree?" Harry stutters looking amazed.

"Yeah...Why are you looking so amazed. Haz, what's wrong?"

"No-nothing-It's just so perfect. Did you go there?"

"No-sheer memory" I say tapping my brain.

"Wait, Meg, How much do you want for it? " Harry says taking out his wallet.

"No Haz.......It's no- You can't" I stutter.

"Come on Meg.... There must be some way I could buy it from you....even if its not for sale."

"Haz, That's not what I was trying to say-I meant that you don't have to pay. Its free for you!" I exclaim.

"Oh....thanks. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So swweeeeeetttttttt" He exclaims super loudly.

"Whatever" I mumble, continuing my painting.

"By the way. your book wa.-"

"Go on, I'm listening." I say. Harry chuckles.

"Yeah, It was good-so far. I even found Niall and Zayn reading it this morning which was odd cause Niall's never read a book excluding how to kill a mockingbird, and Zayn......well he got up to read it." By this time I was jumping up and down , squeeling with excitement.." I was gonna say that it was amazing...or should I say 'amaZAYN'? He added.

" Wow......first positive comment by an extraordinary, or should I say....'ExtraordinHARRY'?"

"WOW...Well played."

"Wow.....phenomeNIALL!" I exclaim.

"Okay....that got lame. Old joke." Harry says making a face.

"Whatever Harry, stop being a PAYNE in the bum. " I laugh, sticking my tongue at him.

Harry rolled his eyes. " Anyway, Lets go get some food."

"yeah, Lestago!" I laugh as we walk towards the door.

"Wait, don't you wanna put your hood up?"

"Oh, yeah." He smiles, before we run off.

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