chapter three

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Sonnet walked tentatively behind Belle, looking around and observing the side of Paris she had never seen before. Beggars were strewn down the cobblestone streets, and alleyways led to a never ending dark abyss. It was far from the delicate scenery she was used to.

Her dress and bonnet made her stand out like a sore thumb, and she noticed the stares she was getting. They were stares of curiosity, wonder, anger.

"Hey, aren't you the Inspector's daughter? That's why you were at the house in the first place." The blonde asked, turning to her with realisation flickering in her eyes. Sonnet flushed instantly. This was a factor she did not want the revolutionary groups knowing.

She started shaking her head, but Belle wasn't taking any of it. So she grabbed her arm, and pulled her closer to her. "You are not to tell anyone. Please. The last thing I need is a label because of my father."

Belle looked at her strangely, but nodded. Sonnet breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at her. Belle returned the smile, but started tugging her up the stairs.

"What are you doing?" Sonnet asked, quickly grabbing her long skirts so her feet wouldn't catch on them.

"If you're serious about the cause, then you'll want to check out what is involved. But quick warning; Enjolras and Alexandria do not get on."

Sonnet nodded, and all of a sudden the pair were in a crowded room. Men and women mingled, and the smell of gunpowder and wine hung heavily in the air. It was almost pungent to Sonnet, who was used to the soft smells of fresh roses and oil paintings.

"Who do we have here?" A man appeared in front of Sonnet, and Belle chose the perfect moment to disappear. He appeared curious, but his kind face and unruly dark brown curls made him un-intimidating. Sonnet smiled politely at the man, sticking out her hand.

"I'm Sonnet, Monsieur." Sonnet was surprised to see the man swiftly grab her hand and place a soft kiss upon her knuckles. She suppressed a blush; this was an action usually only performed by Javert's colleagues in a formal situation.

"My name is Courfeyrac, Mademoiselle. Might I add, you are strikingly beautiful." The comment caused Sonnet to flush a bright red, and she guessed that her cheeks perfectly blended in with her hair. Courfeyrac chuckled, beaming at the girl.

"I-Is Courfeyrac a first name or a surname, Monsieur?" Sonnet tried to regain her composure by changing the topic, but couldn't hide the stutter in her voice.

"It is a surname, Mademoiselle. That's the thing with Les Amis, our birth names are secrets only told to those who know us well." Courfeyrac winked at her, but before either of them could continue the conversation, the sound of raised voices silenced the rest of the room.

"Merde, here they go again." Courfeyrac muttered under his breath, just loud enough for Sonnet to hear.

"Who?" Her question was answered seconds later, when the crowd of people shifted to give two angry blondes their space. One was male and the other female, and they were both glaring viciously at each other.

They must be the Enjolras and Alexandria that Belle was talking about, Sonnet thought to herself.

"Going on rallies while we are at our most vulnerable is a terrible idea! If we fail, the entire cause will be in tatters!" The female - Alexandria, Sonnet assumed - spoke, her tone loud and angry. The male, Enjolras, scoffed and rolled his eyes.

Sonnet found it oddly compelling, watching the two bicker. They were both almost inhuman, for their faces and physique appeared as though they had been carved from marble. It was more like observing a god and goddess argue than anything else. Like, Apollo and Athena.

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