Part 5~Hocus Pocus

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The town was bustling with activity. Tables of people reading palms, telling fortunes and reading minds. The townsfolk sold things like astrology stickers and crystal ball key chains.

"Don't you just love the smell of phony in the morning?" Dean said. "Cas, while we get Gideon, why don't you fetch the rest of the-"

A flutter of wings and Castiel was gone.

"I will never get used to that. To much weird in one day." Dipper said.

Sam pointed to a large group of people wearing Lil Gideon shirts. "I'm guessing that's where we need to go?"

Mabel sighed loudly. "Ugh, I hate lines!"

They all got in line. It seemed to stretch on forever.

"MABEL!" A deep voice cried. Two girls came running directly towards Dean. One was small with big glasses, the other was big and had a deep voice.

"What do I do?" Dean whispered.

"That's Candy, that's Grenda. They're my besties. Just talk about boys!" She whispered back.

"Mabel, who are these fine gentlemen?" The little one, Candy, asked.

"Uh, these are...Sam and Dean. They're friends. Nothing more. Just looking after us for a few days." Dean said, doing his best Mabel impression.

"Wanna come over later and play 'Calling All Boys: Valentines Day Edition'?" Grenda asked.

Sam cut in to save his brother. "Actually these two are FBI." Dipper and Mable awkwardly pulled out their badges. "We're assisting them with a super secret case!"

The two girls giggled and winked. "Call us when you're done!" Candy said.

"I hate being a girl." Dean groaned. "Cas, can you smite everyone in the line in front of us?"

Cas tilted his head to the side. "I may not have mastered social interaction but I do not believe that is appropriate."

Half an hour of waiting and stupid comments like "He guessed my favorite sport!" From a guy wearing a hockey sweater or "He said I was in grave danger!" From a girl with toilet paper stuck to her shoe and sixteen free samples later, the group stood at the tent entrance to meet Gideon.

To call it a tent was an understatement. The massive blue canopy took up half a parking lot. It was fancy with things like cushions and mirrors decorating the interior. In a large chair in the middle sat Gideon.

"Alright, who do we have next? Oh Mabel mah darlin'. And the rest. Come to hand over your sweet shack?" The baby faced kid asked.

Dipper scoffed. "Never. I'd rather play 'Calling All Boys' before I do that. No offense Mabel."

"You were the one who cast the spell. Weren't you twerp?!" Dean yelled, his fist inches away from Gideon's pudgy face. It was odd seeing Mabel's body so aggrivated.

"Mabel, what's gotten into you and what spell? I never-"

"You know perfectly which spell. The one that switched out bodies?" Sam said.

"The spell wasn't to- oh." Gideon pulled out the weathered book. "Silly me, it's a spell to EXCHANGE minds. Not CHANGE minds. My bad. You look good though."

"Switch us back." The four of them asked in unison.

"I can't."

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