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Lucy: will i get to meet your members too

Namjoon: well duh

Lucy: YAY 

Lucy: im excited


Namjoon: yes

Lucy: what did he say

Namjoon: he said he doesn't think he would fit in someone's pocket

Lucy: oh ok

Lucy: ask him if i can keep him in my house then

Namjoon: omg lucy

Namjoon: he said ok

Lucy: oh good!

Namjoon: are you replacing me with Jimin? :(

Lucy: yeah

Lucy: u stink

Lucy: i dont like u

Namjoon: HEY

Lucy: im kidding u nerd

Lucy: ily ur my homie

Namjoon: your hOMIE

Namjoon: hell yeah

Namjoon: ily2 btw

Namjoon: Lucifer :)

Namjoon: we haven't Skyped in a while can we Skype

Lucy: im too lazy to grab my laptop just facetime me instead

Lucy: I can't talk for long tho i'm getting ready for my shift





"I KNOW!" Lucy grinned at Namjoon through the camera. "How long are you staying in New York?"

"Manager-hyung said a week since it's our first stop and I told him it was the most important stop."


"Because you live there! Duh! Plus we're gonna have a lot of jet lag so he wants us to get lost of rest and get used to a different timezone."

"Ah, I see. I'm gonna take the week off while you're here so we can actually hangout. I'm letting my boss know today. Well, asking. I'm sure he'll let me though, the dude is practically in love with me."

"Jeez, aren't you lucky?"

"A little. My boss is pretty cool anyways, so he's really laid back."

"Hey, should I leave out a ticket for you to come to our show?"

"If you want to." Lucy left her phone on her bed and walked to her closet, pulling out clothes for work.

"Then I will. Where did you go? Why am I looking at the ceiling?"

"I'm changing my clothes, Namjoon."

"Oh. Okay." Lucy heard another few voices come from Namjoon's end of the phone and she laughed, knowing it was some members of BTS. After changing she grabbed her phone again and walked out to the kitchen with it. Her face was met with Namjoon's, along with Jimin, Jin, and Taehyung all trying to squish into the camera. 

"LUCY!" Taehyung called.

"Yah, that was my ear!" Namjoon complained.

"Hi, Tae! And Jin and Jimin!" The other two boys greeted her as well.

"Lucy, we are meeting you, right? When we are in New York?" Tae asked her, grabbing the phone from Namjoon.

"Yes! Of course. I'm gonna invite you all to my house and we will eat pizza."

"Oh good!" He handed the phone back to Namjoon only for Jimin to take it from him. Lucy heard Namjoon groan. 

"Hello, Lucy! I am Jimin!"

"Hi, Jimin!"

"You are very pretty! I am happy to meet you in 23 days!"

"Thank you, Jimin." Lucy smiled brightly at the boy. Jimin was such a cutie. Lucy just wanted to hug him, he seemed squishy.

"Here is Jin-hyung! He wants to talk too!" 

"Okay. Bye, Jimin." The phone was passed to Jin and he smiled at Lucy, greeting her nicely.

"Lucy, I want to teach you how to make a Korean dish when we come to New York, okay? Then you can make it for your friends and they will be impressed!"

"Oh, okay Jin! Sounds like fun."

"It'll be an easy dish, I promise."

"Yah, Jin-hyung, can I have my phone back please? I wanna talk to Lucy too."

"Oh yes, of course. Here you go. Goodbye Lucy!"

"Bye Jin!" Namjoon's face appeared in front of her again.

"I love talking to your members, they're so cute."

"Not as cute as me though, right?" Namjoon smiled widely at her.

"Of course not, Joonie."

"Good. You know, my members have been trying to learn more English so they can talk to you when we visit."

"Really? That's so sweet." Lucy was touched, that was probably the nicest thing someone has done for her. "I wish I would've known you guys were coming to America sooner, I would have had you teach me some Korean."

"I never thought of that. Oh well." He shrugged.

"Hey, I gotta go to work now. I'll message you when I'm out, okay?"

"Okay. Bye Lucy, have a good day!"

"You too!" 


Awh aren't the other boys so cute for learning English for Lucy~ what cuties

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