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"I can't believe that you're here." Namjoon muttered, nuzzling his face in the crook of Lucy's neck. Lucy smiled. 

"Well, I wanted you to have a good Christmas present..so here I am."

"I thought you didn't do well on planes."

"I sucked it up for you. So feel lucky." She joked, kissing the top of his head. Namjoon pulled her closer to him, arms wrapped securely around her waist. "How did you get the money?"

"The boys actually helped me pay for a ticket here. They're really great boys. You better have gotten them nice things for Christmas." 

"I did. They loved their presents. I wondered why they all didn't give me actual presents. They most expensive thing one of them got me was a pair of Converse." He chuckled. "Usually they get bigger stuff for me-- we all get each other nice, pretty good sized presents. So you can imagine how    confused I was." 

"Ah yes, I can imagine, Joonie."

"I missed you."

"I missed you too."

"I'm gonna take you out later, okay?"

"Aren't you super famous over here though?"

"You have a point..we'll order in and hangout in here instead. How about that?"

"Hassle free."

"It will be. You look cute."

"Thank you. You look good."

"Thank you."

"Are you gonna kiss me soon?" Lucy teased, causing Namjoon's cheeks to turn a light shade of pink. He took her face in his hands and pressed their lips together.

Knock knock

"Hey guy-EW STOP MAKING OUT SHE'S BEEN HERE FOR TWENTY MINUTES! JUNGKOOK COVER YOUR EYES!" Taehyun yelled, leaping toward's Jungkook, trying to place his hands over his eyes.

"Yah! Hyung! Stop! I'm eighteen, not five!"

"You two, get out of here!" Namjoon let go of Lucy and nudged the two boys out of the room, making Lucy laughed. 





Sorry it ook me so long to update omg i ended up at my friends house for 6 days straight over my vacation because i hate being at my own house. so here's an overdue update!

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