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"Okay, good. Now cut these up like this," Jin demonstrated and Lucy followed. 

"Did you bring this stuff all the way from Korea, just to teach this to me?" He nodded. "Awh, Jin." She didn't mention that they probably could have bought the same things down the street. 

"Now its done! Good job, Lucy." He placed all of the kimbap on a plate and brought it out to the others who were gathered in Lucy's living room. 

"Food!" Lucy called out as the two of them entered the room. This was the second day Bangtan had been at her house and she was having fun. It was nice to have people to hangout with for hours. The boys all sat around Lucy's coffee table as Jin set down the plate that held the kimbap. They ate quickly and happily.

"Lucy, you did a good job!" Namjoon told her, ruffling her hair. 

"Hey! Don't mess up my hair, you turd. My hair is hard to keep in a ponytail because it's thick."

"Sorry." He laughed.


"Lucy! Lets watch a movie!" Jimin exclaimed, tugging on Lucy's arm like a child. Lucy let out a laugh and nodded.

"Okay, you can look through my movies and pick one out if you want to." She showed him where the movies were and he began looking through them, pulling out one after a few minutes. "Captain America? Yes! Good choice, Jimin."

"Thank you." 

"Go get the others while I get blankets and pillows for us all to sit and watch." Jimin nodded, rushing off to find the others in Lucy's apartment. After grabbing pillows, blankets, and some snacks, all eight of them got comfortable in her living room, watching the movie on the screen. Lucy was glad that she'd seen the movie a lot of times because it was a bit hard to concentrate with random popcorn and snacks being thrown around every once in a while, along with some talking/joking around. She didn't mind it though. She was glad to be hanging out with the seven boys right now. 


Hella short chapter im sorry for taking so long n then only giving u this tiny chapter..I'm not exactly sure where I'm going with this yet? I'm sure i'll figure it out though. If any of you guys have any ideas feel free to share them with me, i'll credit u if i use any of your ideas. i'll try updating sooner the next time i post omg love u guys thank u for reading this lil story

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