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Pete's POV

I removed the sharp knife from my last victim's body; satisfaction cursed through my veins as I stared at the corpse; it felt so good to think it wouldn't be able to move again: now that body was useless, powerless, and I could get rid of it however I wanted. It was all mine.

I picked up the dead body and trailed it to my car. After checking carefully that no one was there, I started the engine and raced to the most uncontaminated and unusual place I could find to hide the body.

I stopped the car as I arrived in front of a large river; I lifted the victim again and quickly glanced at it: it was a woman around her forties, with blonde hair and thin red lips. She was also quite tall and always very well dressed. It was a shame I'd had to kill her, but at the same time I'd enjoyed watching her die slowly, crawling and trying to scream for help, blood pouring from her clothes.

It felt like other people's death kept me alive; the more I kill, the more I gain strength. I'm kind of a vampire.

I finally threw the body into the cold water, and I watched it sink as it was trailed off by the river stream.

Then I pulled out my notebook to put a check mark in the empty box near the name of my victim.

W e a k n e s s [Peterick  AU] - #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now