As I sat here rocking Lottie i began to think back how I ended up here. I was born in Galway, Ireland in 1983. My parents were thrilled because they had being trying for a baby for many years. They were extremely wealthy and owned a lot of property. My father was a banker and my mother had inherited a jewellery shop from her great aunt. I grew up never wanting for anything and i loved my parents dearly. I wasn't spoiled and i had a few close friends. I was especially close to my mother. She would call me her old patta and hug me close if i was upset and I was never afraid to ask her anything especially when I hit puberty. My parents were both very open and honest and they didn't care what my sexual conquests were as long as I wore protection. I was fully knowledgeable by the time I was 14. I didn't start till I was 15. I met a girl named Bianca, she was exceedingly pretty but her skin was always cold and she was very pale. She was very sweet though. She refused to get involved with me saying I wasn't like her. Her family would kill her if she messed with me. I thought that she was making excuses, that she didn't fancy me. So i continued to pursue her until one day to get her to kiss me. Her lips were so hard and firm and I wondered why. Did she have some sort of disease that made her like that? I couldn't find any answers, none of my friends wanted to go near her. My parents warned me to stay away from her saying there was something strange about her, but I couldn't help myself. I was drawn to her. One evening I was walking home after school from the library and I spotted her running in the woods. I decided to follow her, well tried to, she was too fast. Really fast. I was out of breath in not time and couldn't catch her. I was disappointed and started to turn around to go home when I heard cries of agony. Thinking that she was in trouble I got my second wind and ran after her again hoping to be on time to help her. What I saw when I did get there shocked me to the core. She was sucking a man's neck. He was punching her but it seemed to have no impact. She stopped when he was dead and I stood there staring at the scene. She started digging a hole when she turned around slowly and said
"I know you are there Bastien." She looked up at me slowly, like she was guilty of something which of course she was. She had just killed a man by drinking his blood???? What was she ???? A Vampire???? I laughed in my mind, pfft! There's no such thing as a vampire.
"You shouldn't have followed me Bastien" she said coming towards me. I told you i can't hang out with you, but you refused to listen so now you will have to pay the consequences."
"No, you can't, what are you saying? No!" I started to run away and she started to laugh.
"I don't want to do this Bastien but you leave me no choice." She bit my shoulder and started going for my neck when we heard loud shouts and roars and cheers. She dropped me instantly and ran off. I think she was glad of the excuse to leave me alive. Pain started to course through my body the burning that started at my shoulder was so intense I thought I was on fire.
"Somebody help me" I roared, "Please." The shouting of "where are you and who's that?" came nearer and I was leaning up against a tree holding my shoulder.
"Hey, it's Bastien, come on lads let's get him home. Did you fall Bas?" I shook my head and screamed as my chest was filled with burning heat.
"Kill me please, make it stop, it burns."
"We'd better take him to the hospital lads."
"Noooooooooooooooooooo" I screeched. Kill me please."
"Come on hurry lads." I continued screeching and roaring as the fire inside me continued to burn me to a crisp. In the hospital the doctors had me on all kinds of machines and nose drips and pain killers, but they did nothing for the fire inside me. My poor beloved parents were nearby. I could hear them crying whenever I called out to kill me. Each cry of agony as I screamed. Eventually I felt the pain leave my body. I felt strong but the burning got more intense. My heart started racing. I could hear my parents screeching for doctors and demanding to know what was going on and to please do something about it. Next thing my heart stopped beating and I could smell something delicious. I could hear my parents screaming with agony because I had died? What? I'm not dead. I'm here. I opened my eyes and saw everyone around me. There were several doctors and nurses each had beating hearts. I could smell and hear the blood pounding in their bodies. I looked at my parents and they were looking at me in shock. I looked back at the machines I was still hooked up to. I was flat lining. But I'm alive, what's going on? I must be having a nightmare. I tried to pinch myself to wake up. I caught hold of a doctor's sleeve.
"Doc, what's wrong with me? Am I having a nightmare? Please help me, anyone. But he tried to back away from me in terror. Why was he afraid of me? Why were they all screaming when they looked at me? Why did they all smell so tasty, good enough to eat? I caught sight of my face in the bathroom mirror. Everything about me had improved, better looking, nicer hair, but the eyes they were black. But I normally have light blue eyes? What was wrong with me? The sink broke in my hands I stood and stared at the crumpled up bits in my hands.
"Bastien, oh my poor boy is dead?" my mother moaned and fell to her knees in agony beside the bed.
"Mother, I'm here, I'm alright" i said. My father too seemed like he couldn't see me.
"Dad" I said and shook him by the shoulders. His head rocked too violently and I heard a snap. Oh Jesus, I've broken his neck. What the hell am I some kind of monster. I picked my mother up in my arms and gently snapped her neck too. There was no way she could have lived through all this agony. I couldn't bear to watch her go through with it. I carried both of my parents out of the room through the window and ran off into the night with them both. Once I got home I fashioned a coffin for the two of them and a cross. All the time thoughts racing through my mind. I was strong enough to carry them both at once, to break a sink with my bare hands. I was so scared, I kept looking over my shoulder expecting the police to come up and catch me. I buried my parents side by side in their makeshift coffin and put flowers from neighbour’s garden on the grave. I put up a cross then and said all the prayers that I could think of over them to rest in peace. I was so sad. I was only 16. What am I supposed to do now? What am I? Why did this happen to me and why was I so dam thirsty? The next day I phoned my grandparents and explained that my parents were dead, some rare disease and I had just finished burying them. I told them not to come down just yet because I was afraid that I was infected too. I put the house and its contents up for sale and changed all my access to their money so I could have enough to survive on. The police came around of course because of the hospital. I cried in front of them. The pain of losing my parents etched on my face. The female guard put her hand on my shoulder and gasped "You're so cold, in fact your house is freezing" in a surprised voice. I'm sorry I didn't notice, my parents are dead and I'm grieving." I ran away then and just couldn't stop running. I wasn't watching where I was going until I ran into a tree. I closed my eyes instinctively but when I felt the shards of the tree splinters hit my arm and not even get a scratch I began to wonder what I could actually do. First though I had to quench this thirst in my throat. I looked for water and saw a stream, but it smelled rancid.